Thursday, August 27, 2020
Willem de Kooning painting of ... free essay sample
Willem de Kooning painting of Woman I This paper will utilize close visual investigation of the Willem de Kooning painting of Woman I. How it is contemporary workmanship. Likewise how it identifies with unique expressionism and specialists. The utilization of hued and various styles to show a mix of two diverse social From the second we ventured into the Museum, there was everything from present day craftsmanship to works of art. The gallery is colossal, on numerous floors. Specialists remarkable artistic creation and figures made the exhibition hall energizing and inviting, to any one who needs to become familiar with workmanship. An astonishing assortment of present day craftsmanship, at The Museum of Modern Art in New York, the workmanship is glorious. At The Museum of Modern Art in New York, on of the many composition that grabbed my eye was Willem de Kooning the representation of Woman I. Made in 1950â€1952 around the Period of Abstract expressionism. We will compose a custom paper test on Willem de Kooning painting of or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The measurements around 6? 4? x 4? 10? grabbed my attention by its life size that jumps out at whomever ways by and numerous splendid hues. Willem de Kooning utilized oil and metallic paint on canvas and a blend of Graphite, Pastels, Crayon and Oil paint to make this puzzling current and contemporary bit of craftsmanship. Workmanship since the 1945 present day and contemporary craftsmanship including works from Color Field, Abstract Expressionism, and Pop Art and twentieth century artworks. After WWII theoretical expressionism change after 1945 it was the worldwide craftsmanship capital moved from Paris to New York City. The First significant workmanship style to be created in the United States. It was the main explicitly American development to accomplish global impact and put New York City at the focal point of the craftsmanship world. Willem de Kooning painting of Woman I was one of the numerous artful culminations of focal theoretical expressionism. An incomplete result of a ladies on canvas. With an enormous scope human female situated figure. The snappiness of the brushstrokes, which were so obvious infer that the artistic creation was made as fast as could be expected under the circumstances. The brush work strong and extreme the hues were splendid ostentatious. The pinks, orange and yellows stands apart the most facing the sloppy sections substance tones, plump pink peach tones. He included olive green that feels unpredictable bizarre in blend with different hues. De Kooning utilized of these hues was purposefully and hard to the watcher eyes. There is likewise fringe of silver on the correct side of the figure. The figure eyes are wide built and thought and obscure, as though she was to get in the psyche of the watcher. Accentuation on her bosoms demonstrated ladylike. Her teeth demonstrating generally with smiles, uncovered teeth shoes hostility and enthusiastic. It is apparent that the painting was taken a shot at for a considerable length of time, when taking a gander at the outside of the work of art. Layers upon layers in various surfaces of paint. Some slender , drippy, thick and matte. The situated female figure approaches toward the watcher overpowering in size she fills every last bit of the canvas there is no space. The figure is broken up in the paint some portion of the De Kooning expectation when development the body of the female. This additionally makes it hard to for the watcher to pronounce if her legs goes over her lap or does her arm. There is no unmistakable visual if her arm descends or even where her thighs are at. The figure is as yet ready to keep up itself in space. Willem de Kooning painting of Woman I contrast with Mark Rothko painting untitled. Rothko opposed clarifying the significance of his work, Work without importance. Rothko need individuals to think of their own translation. He relinquished ordinary titles since that would just constrain the watchers psyche and creative mind. He had built up a style in which skim square shapes inside a vertical configuration. Untitled comprises of enormous zone of hues depict by lopsided, cloudy shades on canvas highlighting squares of gleaming shading. The two of them battled with absolute qualifications among reflection and portrayal. Willem de Kooning painting of Woman I had littler highlights. De Kooning made a great exhibit of disputable works of art. That steamed fans and early canvases he took into another and vicious direction. Willem de Kooning painting of Woman I, is contemporary craftsmanship. It identifies with unique expressionism and different craftsmen. The utilization of shaded and various styles to show a mix of two distinctive social. The Museum of Modern Art in New York had a stunning assortment of present day workmanship. Willem de Kooning painting of Woman I was one of the numerous perfect works of art of unique expressionism. Anticipating my following visit.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
History - Essay Example Niebuhr further cautions that the liberal idealism’s present day culture misjudges the chronicled presence of human personal responsibility. In actuality, inside present day liberal talk of American popular government, personal circumstance typically camouflages itself. This paper restricted down to investigating four ‘icons’ who reflected Niebuhr’s evaluate that savage personal responsibility profoundly penetrates American radicalism including Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Gunnar Myrdal and the designers of the Port Huron proclamation. Malcom X appears to represent one of preeminent instances of ‘child of darkness’ that Niebuhr gives wherein personal circumstance and the dark movement’s isolation drives the general public further into confinement, however this isn't the situation. In his article, Niebuhr didn't depict the cutting edge rebel against the medieval culture and the primitive request as a contention between offspring of light and offspring of obscurity. ... degree that it tested not just the conditional and untimely solidarity of a general public yet in addition the adjustment of a culture, well beyond growing new social and social prospects (Hollinger, 281). Malcom X was similarly vote based to the degree of testing private enterprise differences for his misused individuals far beyond proposing an option in contrast to new social and social prospects. As a matter of fact, inside the white network, chances for dark activation and force were insignificant. Hollinger declares that the white man fears division more than he fears reconciliation †since isolation signifies that he takes care of somebody from oneself, yet not far enough to cause them to be out of one’s purview; the white man will coordinate quicker than he will isolate (p.443). In my view in this way, Malcom X reflected Niebuhr’s thoughts more than he tested them. The â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†by Martin Luther King likewise offers backing t o Niebuhr’s considerations in his battle to outline low and just laws. As prior talked about, the widely inclusive system whereupon Niebuhr asserts the â€Å"children of light†stride toward is the ‘just law’, which Martin Luther King’s characterizes as ‘a man-made code that squares with the ethical law or the law of God’ (Hollinger, 415). A ‘unjust law’, whereupon Dr. Ruler bases the case of isolation, isn't established in common law and everlasting law and it debases human character notwithstanding giving the isolated a misguided feeling of inadequacy and the segregator a misguided feeling of predominance (Hollinger p. 415). Isolation, which is an unequivocal case of the infiltration of the ‘children of darkness’ into rehearsed government, commits Dr. Lord and others of one psyche with him to violate the law. But the
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Write a Term Paper For College - Great Tips
How to Write a Term Paper For College - Great TipsIf you want to know how to write a term paper for college, you're probably one of the thousands of people around the world who find it difficult to write a good paper in English. It is often easy to understand why; after all, a college education is a very demanding and rewarding experience.However, even the most gifted students will fail the first time they are asked to write an essay. For this reason, many parents and educators give essays a whole lot of thought before they ask students to write them.One of the ways they do this is by asking students to 'compare and contrast' some themes in the essay. This may seem very elementary, but it is one of the best ways to make sure that the student is actually writing an essay. For instance, in order to write a good essay about food, students will need to address the topic of nutrition.To make this easier, look at your essay as a comparison of two or more topics. For example, if you were to compare and contrast the theme of food with that of health, you would first need to outline your topic (food), and then compare the foods (i.e., snacking, hot dogs, cookies, etc.) to healthful foods.How to write a college essay is quite simple. This process requires that you look at your topic as a whole, rather than using it as a comparison to another theme. Thus, instead of using health, food, and nutrition as a set of short articles that relate to each other, use them as one cohesive theme.It is vital that you follow the above outline in order to ensure that you have a good idea of how to structure your term paper. By following these steps, you will make it much easier for yourself to write a term paper.One of the most basic ways to outline term paper is to write about five main points that you want to make during the course of the essay. These points may also be known as thesis statements, since they represent the core thesis of the essay.You may be surprised at how easy it is to understand how to write a term paper for college, once you learn these simple methods of outlining. By following these guidelines, you will find that all of your work will flow smoothly, and you will be well on your way to being the next Dr. Seuss!
Monday, May 25, 2020
W. E. B. Dubois Essay - 1753 Words
The racial issues and discrimination in the twentieth century were absurd. Although there were advocates for racial equality and rehabilitation after slavery, there were still many struggles. During this time period, African Americans were not given well deserved rights granted by the 14th Amendment, therefore, they were not able to live up to their full potential. They often had to work extra hard to get basic needs such as education, jobs, and even a place to live. In The Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B DuBois claims â€Å"The problem of the Twentieth Century was the color line,†meaning that there was a clear division of race during this time (DuBois v). The book provides a number of essays which all convey the issue of African American†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Emancipation was the key to a promise land of sweeter beauty than ever stretched before the eyes of the wearied Israelites...Years have passed since then,- ten, twenty, forty: years of national life, forty yea rs of renewal and development, and yet the swarty spectre sits in its accustomed seat at the Nation’s feast†(Du Bois 4). What seemed like would be amazing and make slaves free, only made them free on paper and not in the eyes of their masters or other whites. Looking back at this time, Emancipation did not make a big difference in African Americans ´ personal lives or society. It mislead African Americans. The end of the war came and so did the Freedmen s Bureau. The Freedmen’s Bureau tried to provide an easier transition from slaves to freedmen for African Americans by providing housing, jobs, food etc, but that was shut down due to lack of money ( Throughout the chapter Of The Dawn Of Freedom, many great things are said about the Freedmen s Bureau, â€Å"The greatest success of the Freedmen’s Bureau lay in the planting of the free school among Negroes†(Du Bois 20). But as great as that was it really didn t solve the biggest issues of time period - racial discrimination. â€Å"For this all men know: despite compromise, war, and struggle, the Negro is not free...That is the large legacy of the Freedmen’s Bureau, the work it did not do because it could not†(Du Bois 24). That means that the Freedmen sShow MoreRelatedBooker T Washington And W. E. B. Dubois Persuasive Essay1326 Words  | 6 Pagessubject to racism and discrimination. Because of this, two men, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois both attempted to fight for rights and equality for African Americans during the late 1800s and early 1900s. They both believed African Americans deserved to have rights and equality, but they had very different opinions and ideas on how to solve the problem. Thus, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois both tried to gain rights and equality for African Americans, but they had different approachesRead MoreBooker T Washington Vs W. E. B De Dubois Essay1445 Words  | 6 Pagesand lived in only cities. During the time blacks were wrongly accused of from making foods, making jobs,and having a successful miny government.Many of the crimes they were accused of most of the time they didn’t do.Booker T Washington and W.E.B De Dubois are both wanted equality for Blacks, but their ways of achieving it was completely different and because they had different ideologies and ways of succeeding in what they believed in ad thought was right. Both had different opinions because, bothRead More. E. B. Dubois, of the Dawn of Freedom: a Synopsis and Critical Discussion838 Words  | 4 Pages04/04/06 W. E. B. Dubois, Of the Dawn of Freedom: A synopsis and critical discussion William Edward Burghardt Dubois work, The Souls of Black Folk, gave a critical discuss of the early, twentieth century through the eyes of the Negro. Although many have limited this work to Dubois argument of, The Talented Tenth, it should be noted that Dubois work encompasses much more than that. The purpose of the essay is to summarize and give a critical eye to W. E. B. Dubois Of the DawnRead MoreEssay on Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBoise1610 Words  | 7 PagesBooker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBoise Booker T. Washington believed that blacks should not push to attain equal civil and political rights with whites. That it was best to concentrate on improving their economic skills and the quality of their character. The burden of improvement resting squarely on the shoulders of the black man. Eventually they would earn the respect and love of the white man, and civil and political rights would be accrued as a matter of course. This was a very non-threateningRead More Du Bois vs. Cox Essay1075 Words  | 5 Pagestheir experiences to development their own opinion. How did this concept of race develop into the immense issue we are facing now? According to Oliver C. Cox, the origin of race relations starts with ideas of ethnocentrism, intolerance, and racism. W. E. B. Du Bois said that if what want to find the truth out about race we need to look at the history of the world past the last centuries. The origin of race in my judgment as resulted from both history and the concepts ment ioned in Cox’s opinion. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;HeRead MoreBooker T Washington And William Edward Burghardt Du Bois894 Words  | 4 Pagessupport. whereas Booker T. Washington believed in industrial and agricultural labor, W.E.B. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois projected a method of pursuit through education so as to achieve first-class citizenship for the African American race. W. E. B. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois and booking agent T Washington had terribly completely different views regarding their culture and country. Du Bois, being born in the North and learning in Europe, was fascinated with the thought of Socialism andRead MoreThe New Land Of America Essay1619 Words  | 7 Pageslingered in America and with the people creating problems for those of African American lineage. Some of the most influential speakers on behalf of African Americans were Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, Frederick Douglas, W. E. B. Dubois, and Booker T. Washington. These men were born at different times, held different values, and were even of different race but they had one common denominator, they advocated for African Americans. Mark Twain is a popular American author who contributedRead MoreW.E.B Dubois Thoughts on Education Essay762 Words  | 4 PagesW. E. B DuBoiss thoughts on education The Souls of Black Folk, written by W.E.B DuBois is a collection of autobiographical and historical essays containing many themes. DuBois introduced the notion of twoness, a divided awareness of ones identity. One ever feels his two-ness Ââ€" an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled stirrings: two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keep it from being torn asunder (215). There are many underlying themesRead MoreIdentity in Zora Neale Hurston’s How It Feels to Be Colored Me1408 Words  | 6 Pagesresponse of W. E. B. DuBois’ concept of â€Å"double consciousness†that he describes in â€Å"The Souls of Black Folk.†Hurston shows that not all African Americans experience a sense of double consciousness and that some are instilled with the self confidence required to embrace one’s â€Å"blackness.†First, it may be helpful to define consciousness before attempting to explain the notion of d ouble consciousness. Consciousness is defined as the state of being mentally aware of something: oneself, in this essay. ThereforeRead More Dubois v. Washington Debates Essay1872 Words  | 8 PagesDubois v. Washington Debates The Afro-American Almanac located on Professor Tygiel’s â€Å"Sites of Interest to History Majors†have a copy of Booker T. Washington’s famous â€Å"Atlanta Compromise†speech that he delivered in 1895. Neither before, nor since, has one speech had such a profound effect upon the career of a politician and the people that he sought to represent. Indeed, Washington’s primacy was assured when he in dramatic fashion promised (eye witness accounts have him thrusting his
Friday, May 15, 2020
George Sand Controversial and Popular Writer
George Sand (born Armandine Aurore Lucille Dupin, July 1, 1804  June 9, 1876) was a controversial yet popular writer and novelist of her time. Considered a Romantic idealist writer, she was read among the artists and intelligentsia. Early Life Called Aurore as a child, she was left in the care of her grandmother and mother when her father died. Seeking to escape conflict with her grandmother and mother, she entered a convent at 14, and later joined her grandmother in Nohant. A tutor encouraged her to wear mens clothing. She inherited her grandmothers estate, and then married Casimir-Franà §ois Dudevant in 1822. They had two daughters together. They separated in 1831, and she moved to Paris, leaving the children with their father. Jules Sandeau and First Written Works She became the lover of Jules Sandeau, with whom she wrote some articles under the name J. Sand. Her daughter Solange came to live with them, while her son Maurice continued to live with his father. She published her first novel, Indiana, in 1832, with a theme of womens limited choices in love and marriage. She adopted the pseudonym George Sand for her own writing. After separating from Sandeau, George Sand legally separated from Dudevant in 1835, and won custody of Solange. George Sand had a notorious and conflict-ridden relationship with the writer Alfred de Musset, from 1833 to 1835. George Sand and Chopin In 1838, she began an affair with the composer Chopin which lasted until 1847. She had other lovers, though was notoriously unable to be physically satisfied in any of her affairs. In 1848, at the time of the uprising, she moved to back to Nohant, where she continued writing until her death in 1876. George Sand was notorious not only for her free love affairs, but also for public smoking and for dressing in mens clothing. Family Background Father: Maurice Dupin (died in his daughters childhood)Mother: Sophie-Victoire DelabordeGrandmother: Marie Aurore de Saxe, Madame Dupin de Franceuil Education Convent of the Dames Augustines Anglaises, Paris, 1818-1820 Marriage and Children Husband: Baron Casimir-Francois Dudevant (married 1822, separated legally 1835)Children: Maurice (1823-1889), Solange (1828-1899) Notable Writings Indiana (1832)c (1832)Lelia (1833)Jacques (1834)Andre (1835)Mauprat (1837)Spiridion (1838)Les sept cordes de la lyre (1840)Horace (1841)Consuelo (1842-43)La Mare au diable (1846)Francois le champi (1847-48)La petite Fadette (1849)Les Maitres sonneurs (1853)Histoirede ma vie (1855)Elle et lui (1859) Print Bibliography The Story of My Life: The Autobiography of George SandFlaubert-Sand: The Correspondence of Gustave Flaubert and George SandHoraceIndianaLeliaMarianneViaje a Traves del CristalValentineA Womans Version of the Faust Legend: The Seven Strings of the Lyre.George Sand: Collected Essays. 1986.Barry, Joseph. Infamous Woman: The Life of George Sand. 1977.Cates, Curtis. George Sand: A Biography. 1975.Datlof, Natalie. The World of George Sand.Dickinson, Donna. George Sand: A Brave Man, the Most Womanly Woman. 1988.Eidelman, Dawn D. George Sand and the 19th-Century Russian Love-Triange Novels. 1994.Ferra, Bartolome. Chopin and George Sand in Majorca. 1974.Gerson, Noel B. George Sand: A Biography of the First Modern Liberated Woman. 1973.Godwin-Jones, Robert. Romantic Vision: The Novels of George Sand.Jack, Belinda. George Sand: A Womans Life. 2001.Jordan, Ruth. George Sand: A Biographical Portrait. 1976.Naginski, Isabelle Hoog. George Sand: Writing for Her Life. 1991.Powell, David. George Sand. 1990.Schor, Naomi. George Sand and Idealism. 1993.Winegarten, Renße. The Double Life of George Sand: Woman and Writer. 1978.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Midterm Essay Questions - 757 Words
LIT 201 Midterm Examination-Essay Questions . . You are required to answer at least three of the questions listed below. Indicate which questions you are answering. Review the guidelines below for full details. Each essay response should be approximately 500-750 words. Include your full name, course number, and date in the upper right of your document file before uploading it. Name your document with your first initial, last name, and submit it to the 3.1 Discussion Board forum by Thursday, March 29 at 11:59pm. Choose only 2 peer Midterms to read and discuss by Sunday, April 1 at 11:59pm. Utilize one literary text from each of the follow lists in order to address the essay questions #1-#3. Utilize your choice of texts as needed to†¦show more content†¦First identify the concept’s thematic significance (such as the hero, or the role of women, or ethical values, or views of nature for example). Then discuss how this concept is both unique to the literary works and period you explored but yet holds significance for you currently. 1 How Will My Midterm be Graded? |Essay |% of Total Grade |Calculation: X multiplied by .25 equals total essay score. | |#1 |33.33% |(Grade on Essay 1 out of 100 points)*0.25= E1 | |#2 |33.33% |(Grade on Essay 2 out of 100 points)*0.25= E2 | |#3 |33.33% |(Grade on Essay 3 out of 100 points)*0.25 = E3 | | |Show MoreRelatedEssay on Midterm Questions6765 Words  | 28 PagesModule 1 Chapter 1 1. Both the CHES and MCHES examinations are given twice a year and consist of 150 scored questions and 15 pilot questions on a weighted amount of the seven responsibilities. 2. The publication considered to have been the document that gave great momentum to the health promotion and disease prevention movement in America was called Healthy People: The Surgeon General’s Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (Healthy People, 1979). 3. Self-breastRead MoreRequired Midterm Essay Questions1563 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Trace the history of the printed newspaper and various types of eras in reporting the news. Start with the colonial period of print up to and including how printed news is delivered today with national papers like USA Today. Include and describe what was the significance of the era of the penny press, jazz journalism, yellow journalism, and muckraking. The history of the printed newspaper in the United States has spanned even before the nations independence. The format and coverage mayRead MoreHistory 122 Midterm Study Questions Essay3296 Words  | 14 Pagesï » ¿CHAPTER 16 Question 1 All of the following factors contributed to explosive economic growth during the Gilded Age EXCEPT: d) low tariffs. Question 2 By 1890, the majority of Americans: e) worked for wages. Question 3 The second industrial revolution was marked by: d) the acceleration of factory production and increased activity in the mining and railroad industries. Question 4 The ____________ made possible the second industrial revolution in America. b) Read MoreMidterm 1 Sample Multiple Choice Questions Essay1260 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY BUSINESS LAW AND ETHICS: Midterm exam Total Value: 25 Marks Date: September 30th, 2009 Instructor: Benito Aloe Time: 40 minutes Name: _____________________Signature: ___________________ID No:________ Course materials permitted: None. Concordia Academic Code of Conduct will be strictly enforced. unless otherwise indicated. Choose the most appropriate, accurate or correct answer. Answers on questionnaire will not be corrected. At the end of theRead MoreEssay on Proj410 Midterm Exam Study Guide1287 Words  | 6 PagesPROJ410 Midterm Exam Study Guide YOU MAY WANT TO PRINT THIS GUIDE. 1. The Midterm Exam is open book, open notes. The maximum time that you can spend in the exam is two hours. If you have not clicked the Submit for Grade button by then, you will be automatically exited from the exam. In the Midterm Exam environment, the Windows clipboard is disabled, and so you still will not be able to copy exam questions or answers to or from other applications. 2. You should click the Save Answers button inRead MoreEssay about Acct-212 Midterm Study Guide1080 Words  | 5 PagesACCT212 - Financial Accounting Midterm Exam Study Guide YOU MAY WANT TO PRINT THIS GUIDE. 1. The Midterm Exam is open book, open notes. The maximum time you can spend in the exam is 3 hours, 30 minutes. If you have not clicked the Submit For Grade button by then, you will be automatically exited from the exam. In the Midterm Exam environment, the Windows clipboard is disabled, so you will not be able to copy exam questions or answers to or from other applications. 2. You should click the SaveRead MoreHistory Essay Review756 Words  | 4 PagesHIST 2057-04: THE UNITED STATES: 1865 TO THE PRESENT Writing Assignments / Midterm Exams and Book Discussion Section Required Texts: * Anne Moody, Coming of Age in Mississippi (Random House, 1992). ISBN: 9780440314882 Anne Moody was born on September 15, 1940, in Wilkinson County, Mississippi. Coming ofAge in Mississippi is an autobiographical book about life in Mississippi, the struggle of African Americans in the state and in the South, the life of a black child and woman in the SouthRead MoreSyllabus: Human and Tutorial Assignments1366 Words  | 6 Pageserectus and Homo floresiensis Reading week - no class Midterm Archaic Homo sapiens and Neandertals Modern Homo sapiens Upper Paleolithic/Journey to N. America Origins of Agriculture First Civilizations Ch. 8 Appendix A [p. 415-422] Ch. 9 review p. 191-196 Ch. 10 p. 295-297 ------------Ch. 11 Ch. 4 p. 279-295 p. 297-333 p. 333-338 Ch. 14 Ch. 15 Evaluation Course grading will be based on the following: Midterm exam (25 June): 25% Essay (16 July): 25% Tutorial assignments (2 x 5%): 10% FinalRead MoreThe History Of Electronic Portfolios706 Words  | 3 Pagesstudent portfolios have begun to go electronic. To talk about this shift in portfolios, we need to consider many questions. What do we mean by the expression electronic portfolio? Is it simply a digitized version of the more familiar print portfolio? Or is it something completely different? Why are students, school, and institutions interested in electronic portfolios? To answer these questions, a quick explanation of print portfolios - their contents, processes, and types - provides a useful contextRead MoreMidterm Review Essay963 Words  | 4 Pages†¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ MComm100†©Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ¢â‚¬ ©Mass†©Communication†©in†©Society†© Midterm†©Review†©Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ¢â‚¬ ©12th†©Ed†© (Chapters†©1†©Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ¢â‚¬ ©9)†© †© Understand†©the†©definition†©of†©Ã¢â‚¬Ëœencoding’†© What†©is†©Ã¢â‚¬Ëœnegative†©feedback’?†© Characteristics†©of†©a†©mass†©communication†©audience†© What†©is†©a†©Ã¢â‚¬Ëœmedia†©vehicle’?†© Characteristics†©of†©mass†©communication†©organizations†© What†©vehicles†©have†©increased†©the†©mobility†©of†©the†©mass†©media
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Alcohol and other Drugs Counseling Brain of Human Beings
Question: Discuss about the Alcohol and other Drugs Counseling for Brain of Human Beings. Answer: Introduction: A drug modifies the brain of human beings to foster compulsive drug abuse. Drug addiction is a chronic disease which impacts the brain and causes change in the structure and also the function of the brain. Moreover, it also leads to change in the self-control, behavior and ability to make sound decisions in life. Candy released in the year 2006 is a romantic Australian drama movie which is an adaptation of the book A Novel of Love and Addiction written by Luke Davies. This movie was directed by Neil Armfield and cast and crew of the film involves Abbie Cornish, Heath Ledger and Geoffrey. The film got international recognition for its plot which is based on the love affair between a couple whose relationship was in despair due to their drug addiction. In this essay, the character, her family and her psychological need will be highlighted. In addition to this, as a counselor in reference to the counseling model counseling process of the client will be discussed along with the ethical i ssues linked with this case study. According to the movie, Candy is a gorgeous and a smart woman who possess a lot of potential in her. She was a student of arts. She falls in love with young, charming and an aspiring poet known as Dan. Candy in the movie was portrayed as a replica of romance that could not restrict her in abandoning sappy romance for an aching reality. Dan sinks in his Bohemian lifestyle that involves drug addiction. Later both of them are trapped in the druggie lifestyle. The stuff that looked like fun and pleasurable turned out to be a misery. Dan was a successful con man and works on credit card scheme. Soon, the couple sinks due their horrifying drug (heroin addiction). The couple at this point started manipulating Candys family in order to extract money that can be used for meeting their substance addiction need. She was obstinate her attitude towards her parents was quite hostile (Taylor et al., 2016). The socio-economic condition of the couple became worst and comes down to degradation, prostitution and withdrawal. She miscarries after three days of trying to detoxify at home. Dans love for Candy was shown through the fact that Dan left drug addiction in order to live a clean life and reduce Candys suffering. In order to survive Dan worked as a labor. Candy was observed to suffer and her loneliness in Dans absence made her remain depressed. She eventually adapts the habit of smoking and loitered around with one of her neighbor. Candy becomes too erratic and her fickle minded nature forced her to elope from that place. This was a shock and Dan was encircled with grief and was traumatized. Such an action of Candy forced Dan to relapses the habit of drug. He returned to his mentor Casper in order to seek help and relief. But he lost his best friend due to drug overdose. Both these incident of losing his beloved and best friend was an emotional devastation for Dan. Later somehow he ma nages to get a job and adapted his writing habits. Eventually when Candy returns back to Dan, he refuses to accept her. The approach to Candy as my clients evaluation and therapy is within the Behavioral therapy domain of counseling theory. Cognitive Behavior Therapy has proved to be effective to treat Anxiety Disorders. According to my assessment in this case study the client is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is one of such multi-problem mental health categories. A popular CBT model known as Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy is required in Candys treatment. The name f the client is Candy who was a young lady who is a student of arts and she is married. The scientific researcher established the thought that psychological acquaintance can be practically applied to medical problems which should be done in a mode in accordance with scientific methodology and convention. During the case assessment and formulation, as a counselor, I have observed certain facts. Candy the main character of the case study although was a beautiful lady with a jovial nature, her relationship with her parents was not of a normal relationship. Due to her aggressive nature, she did not share a good bonding with her parents. Her parents did not impose too much restriction in her life and accepted all her demands easily. This truth made her demand money from her parents in order to fulfill her needs. At this stage she psychologically required passionate love from a person. She got this love with Dan. Her flamboyant attribute attracted Dan towards her. Even she adapted the drug addiction of Dan. I have evaluated the fact that once her addictions began to get more expensive and neurochemically addictive drugs, she began to manipulate her parents to lend money, engage her in prostitution and other staffs to finance her lifestyle. Her medical history also reflects that she was into methadone to lead a better life. On doing her assessment I have found that, she has also experienced psychotic symptoms during her miscarriage. She remained depressed and felt lonely in her husbands absence. She felt mood swings and anxiety which was diagnosed as a Bipolar disorder. Although Dans desire and hard work to maintain a clean life helped her to abstinent from substance use, her depression and loneliness forced her to rephrase her lifestyle. According to my assessment, Candy has been a potentially good student in the field of Arts. Although her report reflects no past legal history, she later got involved in certain small crimes to maintain her lifestyle (Killeen et al., 2015). As a counselor, I would divide my treatment plan according to different session. In the first session, her initial behavior and mood would be assessed. Her extensive traumatic experiences would be revealed through a conversation (Kolind et al., 2015). Her descriptions might get devoid of important negative emotions and also repetitive PTSD numbing. In the second session I have discussed with her about her own expectation and goals regarding the therapy. Talking to her led would make me realize about her self-esteem. This would give me the idea of selecting the therapeutic strategies in order to meet the goal (Doukas Cullen, 2013). In the third session, I would plan on finalizing a treatment plan during our third session that could be the blueprint for additional sessions at CCS or social service support. In the fourth session, the basic principles of Candys treatment plan were prepared with others consultation. During this session, a long-term solution of her relationship and lifest yle dysfunction would be designed and implemented. In the last session, after the approval of the therapist and other coordination staff would be doing the follow-up to re-engage her into the treatment plan (Humbarger et al., 2016). The model that I shall chose for curing substance abuse of the chosen character is Psychotherapeutic model. This is regarded as one of the most widely accepted approaches for curing people who are involved in substance abuse. This approach enables people who are associated with drug abuse to focus more on motivation of people and foster development of coping and problem solving skills (Mistral, 2016). The approach is a combination of motivational, cognitive and behavioral techniques that allows the counselor to treat patients with a lot variance in the reasons for their drug abuse. In this type of model, strong emphasis is laid on being emphatic, flexible and client centered. As a counselor, one should focus mostly on developing skills of the client to prevent premature dropout. The focus of the counselor is to work with the client and for the client (Sampath, 2014). The counselor focuses on changing the inner beliefs and perceptions regarding substance abuse. The main objectives of this model are to teach the client to break their addictive cycle and total restriction from all mood-changing drugs. It also allows the client to cope up with problem solving skills and support and guide that might otherwise relapse (Holmes, 2012). Likewise, in the given case study, Candy shall also be cured using the Psychotherapeutic model. Knowing that Candy was involved in the use of drugs and sex and was constantly struggling for money, this shall become the best model, as it will help her in becoming a more confident person by removing their interest from drugs and substance. This model shall enable candy to develop her problem solving skills and shall guide her by making her realize that life is associated with much more things than just substance abuse. The reason why this model shall work in a positive way for Candy is that she will form a good alliance with the counselor making her aware of the negative influences of substance abuse (Bhatia et al., 2015). The ethical issues likely to be faced in counseling the client in the given case study involve dilemmas that are associated with the personal beliefs, values and judgments (Andronicos Achat, 2014). The history regarding how the society views an individual having addiction is burdened with misperceptions, emotions and biases, which have an effect on the care of the drug abusers (Mistral, 2016).For instance, in the settings of healthcare it is not unusual for the patients to be seen negatively, simply by being a labeled as abuser of drug (Bhatia et al., 2015). Due to the extremely charged nature of the field of substance abuse treatment, the tools for exploring the ethical dilemmas should be possessed by the providers. In the given case study, Candy had addiction towards drugs, and due to this, she suffered from depression (Klimas et al., 2014). Ethical issues are personal as well as societal (Holmes, 2012). There occurs a continuous struggle between legislating moralities for the wel l-being of the public and fighting to maintain the right to autonomy of an individual (Andronicos Achat, 2014). It is an extreme emotional nature of such concern, which takes and issue from a personal level to a societal level (Klimas et al., 2014). Drug counselors must adjust what is fit for them actually with what might be correct in view of expert norms. The experts of Substance misuse treatment who are social specialists, for instance, ought to be acquainted with the NASW Code of Ethics and may need to accommodate individual convictions with the callings code (Sampath, 2014). There likewise might be office measures that contention with an individual is close to home convictions. In either case, there is a steady need to weigh what may feel right by and by with the gauges and approaches of nature and calling. Maybe the most troublesome situation happens when there are clashes between the clinicians' qualities and the client practices. Experts realize that if a client debilitates suicide or manslaughter, there is an obligation to report. Yet, large portions of the day-by-day worries that emerge are not very straightforward (Klimas et al., 2014). Moral issues come up in various, apparently inconsequential ways. Much of the time , it might be to a great degree troublesome not to "push" the client toward a choice by underscoring certain data (Bhatia et al., 2015).In the case of nothing else, the inclinations ought to be recognized to the client. A client will then have the capacity to listen to what the specialist is stating, realizing that there is an inclination, and have the capacity for recognizing predisposition in advance (Holmes, 2012). In the end, it can be concluded that the patient in the given case study needs to be counseled properly so that she can recover from her substance abuse. Her extensive traumatic experiences would be revealed through a conversation. Her descriptions might get devoid of important negative emotions and repetitive PTSD numbing. In the second session, I have discussed with her about her own expectation and goals regarding the therapy. Talking to her led would make me realize about her self-esteem. This would give the idea of selecting the therapeutic strategies in order to meet the goal in an efficient manner. References: Andronicos, A., Achat, H. (2014). Drug and alcohol counsellors in community health settings reaching smokers from a low socio-economic community.Health Promotion Journal of Australia,25(2), 147-149. Bhatia, U., Nadkarni, A., Murthy, P., Rao, R., Crome, I. (2015). Recent advances in treatment for older people with substance use problems: An updated systematic and narrative review.European Geriatric Medicine,6(6), 580-586. Doukas, N., Cullen, J. (2013). Recovered Addicts Working in the Addiction Field: How do Substance Abuse Treatment Agencies Work with Substance Abuse Relapse among Addiction Counsellors who are in Recovery?.Journal of Addiction Research Therapy,2011. Gossop, M. (2015). The National Treatment Outcomes Research Study (NTORS) and its influence on addiction treatment policy in the United Kingdom.Addiction,110(S2), 50-53. Guppy, A., Johnson, P., Police, N. Y. (2013). Drug arrest referral schemes and forensic perspectives on the treatment of addiction.Forensic Psychology, 157. Holmes, D. (2012). Prescription drug addiction: the treatment challenge.The Lancet,379(9810), 17-18. Humbarger, O., Galanto, D., Saia, K., Bagley, S. M., Wachman, E. M., Brogly, S. B. (2016). Childhood Health and Development in a Cohort of Infants Exposed Prenatally to Methadone or Buprenorphine.Journal of Addiction Research Therapy,2016. Killeen, T. K., Back, S. E., Brady, K. T. (2015). Implementation of integrated therapies for comorbid postà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders in community substance abuse treatment programs.Drug and alcohol review,34(3), 234-241. Klimas, J., Cullen, W., Field, C. A., Problem Alcohol/Drug Use Guideline Development Group. (2014). Problem alcohol use among problem drug users: development and content of clinical guidelines for general practice.Irish journal of medical science,183(1), 89-101. Kolind, T., Frank, V. A., Lindberg, O., Tourunen, J. (2015). Officers and drug counsellors: New occupational identities in Nordic Prisons.British Journal of Criminology,55(2), 303-320. McLeod, J. (2013).An introduction to counselling. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Mistral, W. (Ed.). (2016).Integrated Approaches to Drug and Alcohol Problems: Action on Addiction. Routledge. Sampath, A. (2014). Law as an instrument to check traffic in narcotics and drug addiction. Tang, W. K., Morgan, C. J., Lau, G. C., Liang, H. J., Tang, A., Ungvari, G. S. (2015). Psychiatric morbidity in ketamine users attending counselling and youth outreach services.Substance abuse,36(1), 67-74. Taylor, M. F., Coall, D., Marquis, R., Batten, R. (2016). Drug Addiction is a Scourge on the Earth and my Grandchildren are its Victims: the Tough Love and Resilient Growth Exhibited by Grandparents Raising the Children of Drug-Dependent Mothers.International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-15. Wolfe, S., Kay-Lambkin, F., Bowman, J., Childs, S. (2013). To enforce or engage: The relationship between coercion, treatment motivation and therapeutic alliance within community-based drug and alcohol clients.Addictive behaviors,38(5), 2187-2195.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Study Of The Enviroment On The Cell Membrane Essays -
Study Of The Enviroment On The Cell Membrane Study Of The Enviroment On The Cell Membrane Dave Lima SBI OA1 Mr. Swanson 10/4/99 Purpose: To study the effect of environmental changes in the permeability of living beet root cells. Procedure A: The effect of pH on the cell membrane Materials & Method 1. Cut a beet root into slices approximately 2mm thick. Use a cork bore to cut out thirty-five (35) slices. 2. Place the discs in a 250 mL beaker and rinse thoroughly in cool running tap water. The red pigment collected comes from the damaged cells and can be used to analyze the chemical nature of the pigment. 3. The pigment in a beet, anthocynanin, should be analyzed before beginning. This can be done simply by first adding a few drops if concentrated acid to a sample if beet juice. 4. The resulting solution can be compared to a second sample made by adding a few drops if concentrates base to another sample of beet juice. Note the colours of each. Given stock solutions of 0.1 mol/L HCl and 0.1 mol/L NaOH, and graduated cylinders, prepare the following solutions in separate test tubes. a) 10 mL of 0.1 mol/L HCl b) 10 mL of 0.01 mol/L HCl c) 10 mL of 0.001 mol/L HCl d) 10 mL of distilled water e) 10 mL of 0.001 mol/L NaOH f) 10 mL of 0.01 mol/L NaOH g) 10 mL of 0.1 mol/L of NaOH 5. Place five (5) beet root discs in each of the 7 test tubes. 6. Leave them for 15 minutes and then record your observations. Agitate gently and continue to observe them at 15-minute intervals until no further changes occur. Procedure B: The effects Of An Organic Solvent Materials & Methods 1. Prepare beet root discs as for Procedure A. The number required will depend on the control you design. 2. Place five (5) of the discs in a test tube containing 10 mL of distilled water and 2 mL of ethanol. 3. Design a control for this investigation. 4. Agitate gently and periodically for 15 minutes and record your observations. Observations: Analyzing anthocynanin by adding concentrated acid and base to beet juice Mixture Observations recorded Few drops of concentrated acid added to a sample of beet juice -Concentrated acid caused the anthocynanin to turn to a slightly lighter shade of pink. Few drops of concentrated vase added to a sample of beet juice -Concentrated base caused the anthocynanin to turn a transparent yellow. Serial Dilution Intervals 0.1 mol/L 0.01 0.001 Distilled` 0.001 0.01 0.1 HCl mol/L mol/L Water mol/L mol/L mol/L HCl HCl NaOH NaOH NaOH 15 -lots of -less pigment -a small -very little -a small -barely -a yellow Minutes pigment lost lost than the amount pigment lost amount any pigment is -solution is dark 0.1 solution of from the beet of pigment present in purple in of HCl pigment root pigment lost the colour lost lost from the solution from the from the beet root beet root beet root 30 -slightly -slightly -slightly -slightly -slightly -slightly -slightly Minutes more more more more more more more Pigment pigment pigment pigment pigment pigment pigment lost since lost since lost lost since lost lost lost the the since the the since since since observation observations obser- observations the the the made at made at vations made at observ- observ- observ- 15 minutes 15 minutes made at 15 minutes ations ations ations 15 made at made at made at minutes 15 15 15 minutes minutes minutes 45 -solution -solution -solution -a darker shade -solution -solution -the Minutes is dark is pink in is a of pink than is a light is a light mixture is purple in colour lighter the 0.001 pink pink very colour throughout shade of solution of through- through- yellow throughout pink HCl but not out the out the throughout than that of the mixture, mixture, the actual the 0.01 0.01 solution similar similar beet have solution of HCl to that to that turned of HCl of the of the brown in 0.001 0.001 colour mol/L mol/L HCl HCl The Effects Of An Organic Solvent: Designing A Control The control our group designed for this investigation was to have one test tube with 10 mL of distilled water 2 mL of ethanol. This way both test tubes would have a total of 12 mL and 5 beet roots each. Test tube with 12 mL of water Test tube with 10 mL of water and 2 mL of ethanol -very little pigment lost -light pink in colour -beets moved (twirled) when agitated -very little
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Free Essays on Never-ending Dreams
In The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros, Esperanza’s dreams and desires are not prevented despite her poverty. The vignettes ‘The House on Mango Street’, ‘My Name’ and ‘Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes’ best show the position she is in and the way she deals with all of the experiences that come her way. Poverty is a set back for Esperanza, but it will not hold her back from obtaining her ultimate dreams. It was obvious to everyone that Esperanza was poor, â€Å"You live there? (5). The deteriorated tiny house on Mango Street belonged to Esperanza. She lived in the poor part of her neighborhood. She couldn’t wait to get out of it. The role models in her vicinity were just as bad too. All of Esperanza’s role models were women. All of the women she looked up to were unhappy. They were all stuck in a place they didn’t want to be, stuck behind â€Å"a window.†These lives did not hold a fortunate future for Esperanza. She didn’t see any women with a good life, but she was still determined to get somewhere on her own, â€Å"I have inherited her name, but I don’t want to inherit her place by the window†(11). Esperanza received her grandmother’s name. Her grandmother was a strong lady, but her life ended when she got married. She was unhappy and sad, and so she â€Å"sat her sadness on her elbow†, watching everything go by out the window. She was on the inside looking out, and that was not how Esperanza wanted to live her life. Her poverty and role models may be a set back in her life, but Esperanza’s positive outlook leads her to a better future. Esperanza’s poverty changes the way she looks at herself and the way she acts, but it does not change her dreams. Esperanza sees herself at first as insignificant, as though a lot of money and a decent house would make her a better person. Though her poverty is an impediment, it also makes her more optimistic on what is to come of her l... Free Essays on Never-ending Dreams Free Essays on Never-ending Dreams In The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros, Esperanza’s dreams and desires are not prevented despite her poverty. The vignettes ‘The House on Mango Street’, ‘My Name’ and ‘Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes’ best show the position she is in and the way she deals with all of the experiences that come her way. Poverty is a set back for Esperanza, but it will not hold her back from obtaining her ultimate dreams. It was obvious to everyone that Esperanza was poor, â€Å"You live there? (5). The deteriorated tiny house on Mango Street belonged to Esperanza. She lived in the poor part of her neighborhood. She couldn’t wait to get out of it. The role models in her vicinity were just as bad too. All of Esperanza’s role models were women. All of the women she looked up to were unhappy. They were all stuck in a place they didn’t want to be, stuck behind â€Å"a window.†These lives did not hold a fortunate future for Esperanza. She didn’t see any women with a good life, but she was still determined to get somewhere on her own, â€Å"I have inherited her name, but I don’t want to inherit her place by the window†(11). Esperanza received her grandmother’s name. Her grandmother was a strong lady, but her life ended when she got married. She was unhappy and sad, and so she â€Å"sat her sadness on her elbow†, watching everything go by out the window. She was on the inside looking out, and that was not how Esperanza wanted to live her life. Her poverty and role models may be a set back in her life, but Esperanza’s positive outlook leads her to a better future. Esperanza’s poverty changes the way she looks at herself and the way she acts, but it does not change her dreams. Esperanza sees herself at first as insignificant, as though a lot of money and a decent house would make her a better person. Though her poverty is an impediment, it also makes her more optimistic on what is to come of her l...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
In the file Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
In the file - Essay Example The problem facing this training sometimes is that a person joining that training may only be interested in earning more salaries that are being provided at that level. High salaries in many occasions indicate a greater value of employer, but empirically it is not well known whether it is true or not. Apart from the growth in business schools, there has been an increase on emphasis of personal development, mentoring, and executive training. Another significant development is increasing focus on development and training of entrepreneurs. New form of learning such as E-learning has increased since they are cheap and flexible. Due to globalization and flexible trade rules across the world, global leadership has become more evident currently. Right now it is not effective being a manager in one country, a good manager in the current world should be able to carry out management in different countries and cultures. A balance between theory and practice is one of the issues in training and development. Another issue is where management and development is based, whether it is a western business model provided by western institutions or eastern business models. The MBA courses taught in Asia by western teachers from western states may boost western business models that are not suitable to the locals because the teaching methods will require the students to adopt learning styles that are not in line with their culture. The information contained in this article can be applied in business organization and when doing global business. Businesses will learn that having people who have extensive training in business courses such as MBA are important in the management of the organization. The article also explains important issues about management training and development. One of the important issues is a broad issue of executive learning and development, this include formal and
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Two questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Two questions - Essay Example However, the additional information or dealings which do not form part of the final written contract are not binding upon either of the parties and are liable to dispute and debate (Jentz, Miller, and Cross). In this scenario, both the parties have agreed to the sale of the warehouse, and thus is mentioned in the final contract. This effectively constitutes the consideration element of the contract, that is, something of value is being sold and purchased for the set amount (Jentz, Miller, and Cross). As much is binding on both the parties. However, there is no mention of the furniture stored in the warehouse in the contract. This could take either of the two courses of action: if the seller is willing to include the furniture in the transaction, they can out of their own free will, and only after assuring that there are no claims or restrictions attached to such a sale (Jentz, Miller, and Cross); however, if the seller is not willing, it is not binding upon them to include the furnit ure in the final sale even though such intentions were previously expressed in some mutually exchanged emails. This is because of two reasons: firstly, such emails were not part of the legal proceedings, and did not form part of the final sales contract; and secondly, the contract clearly states that it supersedes all other related negotiations. Therefore, both the parties are responsible for only that which is specified in the contract according to the clause of the intention of legal consequences, that is, the contract being binding on both the parties (Jentz, Miller, and Cross). If the contract explicitly expresses the sale of the furniture in the warehouse, such a sale would then become
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
School Safety Essay Example for Free
School Safety Essay This paper is about an incident that took place involving an over age student making a school unsafe for others. The student was very violent and did not get the proper punishment to go along with his behavior. The success of the discipline administered, and alternate solutions to the problems will be discussed. John Green is an 8th grade student who is 16 years of age. He had been retained three times twice in the eighth grade because of his standardized test scores. Only after being in school for a month, John came back from his counselor bragging that he only had to take the test this time and he did not have to pass to move on to high school. This was a bad decision by the counselor to tell him that so early in the school year because he was a child who consistently caused problems in school. One day in October John’s math teacher was sick and could not make it to school so she had a sub take her place. The substitute was not informed of the behavior problems John causes. John repeatedly refused to do any school work in that class. The substitute approached John and asked him why he was not completing his assignment. John jumped out of his chair and said to the substitute, â€Å"This B must don’t know who I am. †She substitute asked John get back into his seat and to calm down. John became belligerent and said, â€Å"You really do not know who you are @^%$# with. †The substitute at this point became afraid and tried to pull the string to alert the office but John jumped in her way to stop her. One of the boys in the class pulled the string and John got so upset that he and the boy started fighting and John broke the boy’s nose and blood was all over the classroom. When John saw the security guards coming he started throwing chairs and desks at anyone he saw. The security guards were finally able to subdue him and handcuffed John while I took the other boy to the nurse. John was placed on a two day suspension for fighting at school. John was never disciplined for being totally disrespectful to authority and the situation was never brought to the attention of John again. Handcuffing John was seen as a punishment by the principal because she said the security embarrassed John by doing such a thing. The punishment was not seen as successful according to the staff and the substitute involved. John appeared to see his punishment as a joke because he had several offenses after that. John IEP states that he becomes violent when he feels threatened or provoked. To start the school or the teacher should have given the substitute prior warning of John’s behavior to prevent her from going through other situations like this. The teacher who is going to be absent should write a note stating her or his behavior students. John probably should be placed in another teacher’s classroom to prevent other situations from happening like this. Actually, it appears as though this is not the right classroom setting for John. â€Å"The intent of the SS/HS projects described here was to provide a multi-component framework that schools and agencies used to build services that address the specific strengths, needs, and service gaps within their local community,†(Sprague and Nishioka, 2007, para 6). John is violent the school should create an emergency RTI for John to have him placed in an alternative school setting. This will prevent any other kids from getting injured when he become uncontrollable. John social worker decided to mainstream him because he was very proficient in math. This consideration should be revoked because of this incident. John could have hurt many people in that classroom. In summary, John was a kid with special needs but because of his brilliance in math he was being mainstreamed. Counselors should consult with teachers before making decisions in telling students certain things. The administration and teachers at schools must try their best to protect substitutes from students who can be harmful. John is one of many students who get away with harming other students because of their IEP’s or exceptionalities. One downfall is the fact that the principal thought that John was being treated badly after he broke another student’s noise. To prevent other situations like this the teacher who will absent could write a note to the sum explaining certain behavior students or the administration team should warn the sub.
Monday, January 20, 2020
American Culture Essay -- Sports Baseball Cultural Essays
American Culture It’s game six of the American League Championship Series. I’m sitting in front of a bunch of baseball-crazed fanatics wetting their pants, because the Red Sox have just pulled ahead nine to six in the ninth inning. â€Å"Go Sox!†â€Å"Yankees suck!†â€Å"Dude, toss me another brewskie.†Americans are fans at heart. We root for the home team, wear their colors, jump up and down following a great play, and threaten the television after an absurd call. Sports have proven to be an integral part in the creation of community identity throughout the last half of the century. Furthermore, American sports both reflect and shape our cultural ideas. They are rarely considered â€Å"just a game.†Sports are packed with several meanings: they are displays of patriotism, consumer spectacles and even morality lessons. By observing sports and their impact on American society, we can learn much about consumerism, political developments (both domestic and in ternational), racial relations, social classes, equality for women, and of course, community identity, including the condition of our cities. Since the 1950s, American sports are one of the most important institutions for us to raise and work through questions of race, gender, and class. The corporations who control the media coverage of sports tailor their coverage to Joe Six-Pack; and thus there is a lack of coverage of elitist sports such as water polo, tennis and sailing. Because of the media's target population, we are besieged with commercials for beer, automobiles, athletic shoes and deodorant. Our hard-earned dollars are rarely tempted to go towards healthy food items or prudent savings (light beer is not a healthy food). Gas-guzzling SUVs, beer, chips and dip are the consumables t... ... in your backyard or in the street, you can play hoops at any public school yard, you can bat a ball in any sandlot, but where do young people get experience in a pool or on a tennis court? Who can afford a round of golf? Tiger Woods is an enigma in a world of wealthy country clubs and green jackets. Indeed, American sports are a metaphor for American culture. When viewed through the lens of peanuts and beer, one gets a gooey, nostalgic, "take me out to the ball game" sensation. But you only need look below the surface to get a more disturbing view of some of our culture's most serious ills. Corporate control and gender, race and economic bias run rampant in our beloved sports arenas. And the latest barometer that measures the health of our sports culture is the fact that our heroes hit the front page not for their abilities, but for their sexual indiscretions.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Mangment this is a paper for studying mangment in an academic setting for MBA Essay
The factors that affect the productivity of PATs include the size of incentive bonuses paid to workers, base pay increases, perfect attendance bonuses, the size of the fringe benefits package, how favorably the overall size of a company’s compensation package compares with the industry-average compensation package, expenditures for PAT training and productivity improvement, and changes in the number of models. Perfect attendance bonuses, how much overtime is offered to PATs so as to boost their take-home pay, how many PATs are laid off, the percentage of newly-hired PATs, the percentage use of temporary PATs, and PAT compensation levels. P/Q ratings, the warranty claim rates, the amount of overtime, the percentage of cameras outsourced, and how many cameras are assembled each quarter. the complexity of the company’s camera designs; a company’s cumulative spending for new product R&D, engineering and design; the number of models; camera body ergonomics/durability; and the number of camera components. PAT training and experience, the number of PATs laid off, base pay increases, warranty claim rates, and P/Q ratings †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. The interest rate a company pays on loans outstanding depends on its credit rating. How much it has borrowed against its credit line and its debt-assets ratio. How many consecutive years the company has been profitable, its current ratio, and its ROE Its net profit margins, ROE, and amount of cash on hand to make interest payments Its current ratio, global market share, debt-assets ratio, net profits, and balance sheet strength †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. The company maintains a production facility in the United States. Japan. China. Germany. Taiwan. The decisions that company co-managers make each year are organized around new product R&D, components production, work force management, advertising and marketing, and finance. supply chain management, assembly, distribution, sales force management, advertising and marketing, customer service, and finance. components production and assembly, distribution and retailer relations, advertising and promotion, customer service, and accounting. supply chain management, components production, assembly, distribution and dealer relations, sales and marketing, and cash flow management. marketing and promotions, product design, assembly/shipping, compensation and labor force, and finance.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Long Term Effects Of Colorectal Cancer - 1393 Words
A cancer diagnosis can bring most people to tears because it is thought of as an early death sentence. Colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer, inflicting over 1 million people every year and accounting for more than 600,000 deaths worldwide.1, 5 Patients with colorectal cancer concomitantly present with anemia.1, 2 In addition to the blood loss expected during surgery, anemic patients undergoing surgical resection of colorectal cancer are at increased need for perioperative blood transfusion.2 In the early 1980s, researchers began to question the long-term effects of perioperative blood transfusions administered to patients with cancer.3 A year later the first clinical study was conducted and showed untoward effects on cancer recurrence. Since then many studies have shown an increased morbidity and mortality and higher recurrence rate of cancer due to immunomodulation.3, 4, 5 Presented here is a case report of a patient recently diagnosed with colorectal cancer and right and left lobe liver masses. Case Report A 53-year old female (height: 157 cm, weight: 65 kg) with NKDA underwent a colonoscopy screening that revealed a mass in the right colon. Biopsies indicated high-grade adenocarcinoma. Staging CT scans indicated a IIIB, T3N1cM0 malignant tumor and also showed two resectable liver lesions, on right and left lobes. Medical history included asthma, diverticulosis, depression and anxiety. She also had a rectal adenoma removed during a colonoscopy inShow MoreRelatedEffects Of The Diagnosis Of Bowel Cancer915 Words  | 4 PagesGoldwasser (2009) accepted that being diagnosed with cancer comes as a terrible shock for most people and those affected may look back on the experience and remember it as all being a bit of a dream. Often they are given information that they are only able to take in part of what they are told. As the news sinks in and they are ready to talk about what is going to happen, the most important thing to remember is that it is their body they are discussing. Peop le must be allowed to make decisionsRead MoreDevelopment Of Drugs With High Potency And Inhibitory Activity1618 Words  | 7 Pagesmade testing specific sensitizing mutation necessary. (1) (EGFR) T790M mutation a successful example of a biomarker for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treatment with Osimertinib that gained a wide acceptance in clinical practice in Europe and US (), One question that needs to be asked, however, is whether testing for similar mutations in different cancer will be of clinical value. an unknown subpopulation of patients with CRC will have an activating EGFR mutation, such as L858R, which is thoughtRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Patients With Colon Cancer1510 Words  | 7 PagesInterventional Therapy Nearly one-third of patients diagnosed with colon cancer have metastatic disease (disease that has spread to other parts of the body) (Colon Cancer Alliance 2015a). The most common site of spread is the liver (Colon Cancer Alliance 2015a). Patients with rectal cancer may also have metastatic disease that has spread to the liver. Ablation and embolization are interventional therapies directed at the liver to destroy cancer cells. Ablation This technique destroys tumors without removingRead MoreEssay On Intestinal Tumorigenesis1712 Words  | 7 Pagesvasodilation, edema and pain. Long-term inflammation can also occur and leads to a chronic state with conditions favorable for tissue damage and genomic lesions (1,2). Over time this genetic damage can lead to cancer. An example of chronic inflammation leading to cancer development can be seen in patients with ulcerative colitis. These patients have long-lasting inflammation and ulcers in the lining of their large intestine and rectum and are more likely to develop colorectal cancer (3). In these types ofRead MorePathological Correlation Report- Jack s Case3052 Words  | 13 Pageslower GI bleed with results from the per rectum examination confirming a colonic source. The cause of the bleed as well as other symptoms displayed may be as a result of several conditions such as Crohn’s disease, haemorrhoids, anal fissure, polyps, cancer, stomach and duodenal ulcer s/peptic ulcer, gut infections which may cause bloody diarrhoea, angiodysplasia e.t.c. (). However, further look into the family history shows that his grandfather died from colonic carcinoma at the age of 45. This narrowsRead MoreEffects Of Alcohol During Athletic Activities816 Words  | 4 PagesAlcohol has many negative effects on those who participate in athletic activities. The NCAA warns â€Å"Excessive alcohol can lead to loss in balance and coordination, reduced reaction time, and increased appetite. The decline in cognitive function can lead to an increase in sports-related injuries†(SCAN Registered Dietitians, 2013). This only scratches the surface of negative effects. Drinking alcohol prior to an athletic event often leads to dehydration which causes problems such as â€Å"increased coreRead MorePrevention Of Cancer And Early Detection1293 Words  | 6 PagesOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness month and it is just timely that I would like to delve into one m ost of the debilitating chronic diseases worldwide. Cancer affects millions of people in all ages, various races, and all walks of life. all forms of media, prevention of cancer and early detection has been propped up to increase public awareness and improve the quality of life of those people suffering from this serious condition. The aforementioned topic has caught my eye especially recentlyRead MoreClimate Change and Rising Cancer Rates Essay1688 Words  | 7 PagesHow does climate change increase people’s probabilities of developing cancer? Global warming, a rise in the average global temperature, is a form of climate change that has caused glaciers to melt, acid rain to form, and sea levels to rise killing both vegetation and animals. What you probably don’t know is that climate change is killing humans too. â€Å"Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide and accounted for 7.6 million deaths in 2008†, which is equivalent to the population of Bulgaria. GlobalRead MoreCancers Presence in the World1598 Words  | 6 PagesCancer represents a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, accounting for 8.2 million deaths in 2012. According to the last World Health Organization report, It reveals that it is expected that the global burden of cancer will rise from an est imated 14 million new cases per year in 2012 to 22 within the next two decades because of the aging and growth of the world population and an increasing adoption of cancer-causing behaviors. Lung, liver, stomach, colorectal and breast cancersRead More Genetic Testing and the US Healthcare System Essay2446 Words  | 10 Pagesto the study of relatively rare single-gene or chromosomal disorders. But as result of advances in molecular medicine, genetics is now able to provide information about more common and accordingly more costly diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and coronary artery disease. It is the predictive ability of genetic tests for these diseases that makes them especially intriguing in adopting a preventive medicine approach and reducing overall healthcare expenditures.      In Alzheimer’s disease
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