Friday, May 31, 2019
Human Nature in The Prince by Machiavelli and Utopia by Thomas More :: Papers More Machiavelli Prince Utopia Essays
Hu homophile Nature in The Prince by Machiavelli and Utopia by Thomas More It is difficult to determine Niccolo Machiavelli?s and Thomas More?s view on human?s nature. Each took a different approach to the topic. Through Utopia, Thomas More essay to change man?s thinking by creating an ideological society. Niccolo Machiavelli, through The Prince, attempted to teach man how to deal with human nature. With this in mind, Machiavelli?s construct is much more realistic than More?s therefore Machiavelli better represents human nature. Machiavelli?s view of human nature in The Prince, presents, on the surface, a view of governing a state drastically different for his time. Machaivelli believed that the ruling Prince should be the sole authority determining every aspect of the state and beat into effect a policy which would serve his best interests. With this, Machiavelli uses the prince as man, and the state as the man?s life. These interests were gaining, maintaining, and expanding his p olitical power. Though in some cases Machiavelli whitethorn seem harsh and immoral, one must remember that his views were derived from concern of Italy?s unstable political condition in the 1500s. Machiavelli seems to be teaching the common man how to live his life so that their life is nigh and prosperous. Machiavelli generally distrusted citizens, stating that since men argon a sorry lot and will not keep their promises to you, you excessively need not keep yours to them? (Machiavelli 651). Furthermore, ? a prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promises? when, ?such an observance of faith would be to his disadvantage and when the reasons which made him promise are removed? (651). Machiavelli did not feel that a Prince should mistreat the citizens. This suggestion once again to serve the Prince?s best interests. If a Prince can not be both feared and loved, Machiavelli suggests, it would be better for him to be feared by the citizens within his own dogma. He makes th e generalization that men are, ungrateful, fickle, simulators and deceivers, avoiders of danger, greedy for gain and while you work for their good they are yours? (649). He characterizes men as being self-centered and not willing to act in the best interest of the state,? and when it (danger) comes nearer to you they turn onward? (649). Machiavelli reinforces the Prince?s need to be feared by stating men are less hesitant about harming someone who makes himself loved than one who makes himself feared?
Thursday, May 30, 2019
A more customer oriented business :: essays research papers
Silk & Soft Srl is a family-owned company whose field of activity is the catalog retail sales of silk textures including a home pitching service. Since it was found, in 2002, the company succeeded to form a network of devoted customers by constantly sending its product catalogues directly through mail and also offer highly qualitative materials imported mainly from Asian countries (China, India, Malaysia etc.). During the first year, the business has proved to be quite profitable because of the limited number of employees and the low train of competition on the silk textures market in Romania. Starting with the year 2003, it was noticed that the sales began to decline due mainly to the entrance on the market of omnipotent retail chains, better said, hypermarkets that were selling silk textures as well at a lower price. In the situation of the stores, the customer had the chance to see the product and bribe it at once. Taking into account the above presented evolution of the market, our company decided to switch from its traditional marketing strategy to a more customer drive process. Due to this, the Marketing Coordinator thought at that moment a more customer-oriented activity was needed. such(prenominal) an activity could be achieved through increasing the number of employees and their social function in providing a superior service to the customers. Employee knowledge and involvement were considered an important component of our marketing strategy and included the following actions to be taken run through more forethought of customers. Sending catalogues by mail proved not being enough to develop our business. Thus, now the employees draw to constantly talk to our customers and regard them. All salaried employees at our firm, including top management, are required to take a minimum of 50 phone orders each year. They have the duty to constrain customers feel important and appreciated by using their name and finding ways to compliment them, and taking into consideration that it is important to be sincere. All employees have also to think about ways to generate good feelings knowing that the customers are very sensitive and know whether or not you really care about them. They also have to thank the customers every time they get a chance. Keep the loyal customers. The employees have to develop "loyalty" programs where customers are rewarded for their fidelity. Such a program can include price discounts or gifts consisting in free silk textures on special occasions, such as birthdays, season holidays, weddings etc.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Androgyny in James Baldwins Here be Dragons Essays -- Here Dragons
Androgyny in James Baldwins Here be Dragons The piece by James Baldwin titled Here Be Dragons was fearful and I definitely recom manpowerd reading it. Baldwins piece is mainly a plea for understanding. He argues that within every person there is a little bit of the opposite for instance, inside every male is a little bit of femininity, just as there is some masculinity within every female. Baldwin also mentions how, many times, the things we fear are things present inside of ourselves that we wish were not. In several instances Baldwin discusses how he was made fun of by men standing in large groups and then once alone the men would try to get Baldwin to have sex with them. I believe those men clung to Baldwin because they matte the homosexual impulse within themselves, and felt that ...
homeless in new york city winter :: essays research papers
IntroductionA/GHave you ever asked yourself why dont this stateless person skillful go and remain in a shelter and eat and sleep in a warm place an d leave me alone?S/PToday I will inform my audience about the decisions homeless concourse reach to make.C/IMany homeless good deal opt to stay on the streets rather than in a shelter.V/SAfter today you will understand why homeless people who live on the street.TransitionOur homeless society is now growing very quickly and uncontrollably.BodyI. New York City began this year with the largest number of homeless people crammed into shelters since the city began keeping count 20 years ago. A. The coalition for the homeless has broken the homeless population into three segments single adults, adults with families and children. 1.A whooping 43% of the homeless population is children. The children are by far the largest and fastest growing segment. 2.Adults in families account for the second largest segment with 35 % of the homeless popu lation. 3.Topping it off single adults consist of 22% of the homeless population.B. These figures do not include all those people who do not stay in shelters. There are approximately 4000 homeless people living on the street. But I this case there are more adults then children.II. Many of the people who stay in a shelter say its like being in prison. The condition of many shelters are usually unsafe or asthmatic or even both.A. There is a number of national studies documenting the damage homelessness inflicts upon children.1. One study constructed by the Better Homes Fund concluded that homeless children have twice the health problems of those who live in homes.B. A homeless man who goes by the name of Red says that shelters are very unsafe. While in a shelter he once was stabbed and robbed for his sneakers. He says he rather ride the trains all night before he stays in another shelter.C. counterbalance families hit the streets before theyll stay in shelters. This means there ar e hundreds of children on the streets, too.III. The New York Post says major Bloomberg ordered an outdoor encampment, built underneath a Bronx expressway, torn down.A. He said at a press conference that the outdoors is no place to sleep. B. When I brought this up with Red he told me that Bloombergs concern is not for the number of homeless people who refuse to be regulated to the citys overburdened overcrowded and under funded shelter system, instead for the beautification of the city.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
K-Mart :: essays research papers
K-MartKmart is the 3 discount retailer in the United States behind Wal-Mart and Target. Kmart sells name brand and private labelmerchandise, mostly to pitiful and mid - income families. It has more than 1,800 stores and currently employs more than 220,000 associates in all 50 states, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and owns an e-tailer As of Jan.30, 2002,Kmart had 124 Kmart Supercenters that combine a full grocery, deli, bakery, video renting and 24 hour/seven-days-a-week availability along with the general merchandise selection of a Kmart discount store. A core strength for the company continues to be the elaborateness of Kmart Exclusive brands such as Martha Stewart Everyday, Sesame Street, Jaclyn Smith, Kathy Ireland, and Route 66. These brands-nationally available only at Kmart-have progressively added to their assortments.Despite that, the company filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy guard on January 22, 2002, after a year in which its financial perf ormance declined from unimpressive to bleak. The filing came a day after Kmarts major food distributor, Fleming Cos., express it had cut off most shipments to Kmart because the discounter failed to make its regular weekly payment for deliveries. Fleming said Kmart, its largest customer, owed $78 million. This bankruptcy filing let Kmart rid itself of unproductive stores and shrink the payroll. The company has closed 284 unprofitable stores and laid off about 22,000 workers to pare costs. Kmart stores have fallen as consumers have slowed their spending and as rivals corresponding Wal-Mart Stores and Target have tried to siphon off Kmarts customers.In this paper, I will try to suggest some solutions to improve Kmart as a company as a whole and help increase its sales.First of all, Kmart needs to improve its marketing technigues. The problem that its facing right at once is decreasing sales. What I think it should do is lower the prices. It will definitely attract more customers. Fo r example, the reason that one of Kmarts biggest competitors, Wal-Mart is doing so well is because Wal-Martis cognize for its very low prices. Also, I think that Kmart should increase eye-capturing advertising. Not only should they increase the advertising, but they should try to appeal to different kind of customers. Kmart should make confident(predicate) that its advertisements attract not only middle-aged population-mostly housewives, but it ought to attract more hipper/younger consumers. In addition, it needs to providebetter quality of items. One briny reason why Target is a
K-Mart :: essays research papers
K-MartKmart is the 3 discount retailer in the United States behind Wal-Mart and Target. Kmart sells name brand and private grademerchandise, mostly to low and mid - income families. It has more than 1,800 stores and currently employs more than 220,000 associates in all 50 states, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and owns an e-tailer As of Jan.30, 2002,Kmart had 124 Kmart Supercenters that combine a across-the-board grocery, deli, bakery, video rental and 24 hour/seven-days-a-week availability along with the general merchandise selection of a Kmart discount store. A core strength for the guild continues to be the expansion of Kmart Exclusive brands such as Martha Stewart Everyday, Sesame Street, Jaclyn Smith, Kathy Ireland, and Route 66. These brands-nationally available only at Kmart-have progressively added to their assortments.Despite that, the company filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection on January 22, 2002, after a year in which its financial performance declined from unimpressive to bleak. The filing came a day after Kmarts major food distributor, Fleming Cos., said it had cut off most shipments to Kmart because the discounter failed to make its regular weekly payment for deliveries. Fleming said Kmart, its largest customer, owed $78 million. This bankruptcy filing allow Kmart rid itself of unprofitable stores and shrink the payroll. The company has closed 284 unprofitable stores and laid off about 22,000 workers to pare costs. Kmart stores have fallen as consumers have slowed their spending and as rivals like Wal-Mart Stores and Target have tried to siphon off Kmarts customers.In this paper, I will try to suggest some solutions to repair Kmart as a company as a whole and help increase its sales.First of all, Kmart needs to improve its marketing technigues. The problem that its cladding right now is decreasing sales. What I think it should do is lower the prices. It will definitely attract more customers. For exam ple, the reason that one of Kmarts biggest competitors, Wal-Mart is doing so well is because Wal-Martis known for its very low prices. Also, I think that Kmart should increase eye-capturing advertising. Not only should they increase the advertising, but they should try to appeal to different engaging of customers. Kmart should make sure that its advertisements attract not only middle-aged population-mostly housewives, but it ought to attract more hipper/younger consumers. In addition, it needs to providebetter spirit of items. One main reason why Target is a
Monday, May 27, 2019
Malaysians Are Like the Rainbow
Malaysians Are Like The Rainbow * Social Science Essays(16,747) * Current Issues(676) Twin Towers t all(prenominal)est in the world, an emblem of Malaysian pluck andPutrajaya a modern city. All these occupy be the competitive spirit of Malaysians Malaysians are like the rainbow. Seven different colour streaking across the sky. Captivating and pleasant to the eyes. evocative of the bridge that connects both sides of the world. The rainbow reflects upon our country, Malaysia. By looking at the big picture, it is a nation consisting of colourful people and religion.I guess in the true spirit of Malaysia Boleh and it is non just any MAD hollering in the stadium. It is who we are, Malaysians. Malaysians are undoubtedly capable of achieving their dreams and hopes. Look at what Malaysians aro social function accomplished so far since Merdeka, what we besides know as independence or the day this country obtained freedom from foreign powers. For forty five years, Malaysians constru ct recorded many incredible feats along the way. To name a few would be easy, such as the Petronas Twin Towers tallest in the world, an emblem of Malaysian pride and Putrajaya a modern city.All these have proven the competitive spirit of Malaysians. What others are capable of, we can do it too. That is what boleh all about. Moreover, it means that as a Malaysian, you have to play your role in livery this country a head above the rest. In my opinion, that is what being a Malaysian means. The greatest gift which all Malaysians are blessed with which about of us do not realize, is that our country is one of the most peaceful places on earth. I am really glad that I was born a Malaysian.Not in any other country like Afghanistan or being born an untouchable the lowest caste in India. I am the most privileged somebody on earth. I am living in a country that is united, advanced and harmonious. Isnt that great? I determine lucky even till today, as I am Putrajayais aplanned city, prime d(p) 25km south ofKuala Lumpur, that serves as the federal administrative bone marrow ofMalaysia. The butt joint of governing body was shifted in 1999 from Kuala Lumpur to Putrajaya, due to the overcrowding and congestion in the Kuala Lumpur areas.Nevertheless,Kuala Lumpurremains Malaysias national capital, being the seat of theKingandParliament, as well as the countrys commercial and pecuniary centre. Putrajaya was the brain fry of former Prime seeTun Dr Mahathir Mohammad. In 2001, Putrajaya became Malaysias thirdfederal official territorial dominionafter Kuala Lumpur andLabuan. Named after the firstMalaysian Prime Minister,Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, the city is determined within theMultimedia Super Corridor, beside the alike newly developedCyberjaya.InMalay/Sanskrit, the words putra or putera means prince or male child (girl child is called Putri inSanskrit), and jaya means success or victory. The development of Putrajaya started in early 1990s, and today major landmarks a re completed and the population is expected to raise bigger. Putrajaya, which was originallyPrang Besar , was opened in 1918 as Air Hitam by the British. Its original land space was 800 dry land (3. 2km2), which was later expanded to 8,000 acres (32km2). Prang Besar later expanded and unite with its surrounding e renders such as Estet Raja Alang, Estet Galloway and Estet Bukit Prang.The vision to have a new Federal Government administrative Centre to replace Kuala Lumpur as the administrative capital emerged in the late 1980s, during the tenure of Malaysias 4th Prime Minister,Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad. The new city was proposed to be located between Kuala Lumpur and the newKL International aerodrome (KLIA). The Federal government negotiated with the aro intent of Selangor on the prospect of another Federal Territory and in the mid-1990s, the Federal government paid a substantial summate of money to Selangor for approximately 11,320 acres (45. km2) of land in Prang Besar, Selang or. As a result of this land purchase, the state of Selangor now completely surrounds two Federal Territories within its borders, namely Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. Planned as a garden andintelligent city, 38% of the area is reserved for honey oil spaces by emphasising the enhancement of natural landscape. A network of open spaces and wide boulevards were incorporated to the plan. Construction began in August 1995 and it was Malaysias biggest make and one of Southeast Asias largest with estimated nett cost of US$ 8. billion. The entire project was designed and constructed by Malaysian companies with only 10% of the materials imported. TheAsian Financial Crisisof 1997/1998 had somewhat slowed the development of Putrajaya. In 1999, ccc staff members of the Prime Ministers office travel to Putrajaya and the remaining government servants moved in 2005. On 1 February 2001 Tun Dr. Mahathir declared Putrajaya as a Federal Territory with the ceremony of handing over Putrajaya township fr om the Selangor state authorities.In 2002, ahigh speed raillink calledKLIA Transitwas opened, linking Putrajaya to both Kuala Lumpur and KL International Airport inSepang. However, body structure of thePutrajaya Monorailwhich was intended to be the citys metro system, was hang up due to costs. One of the monorail suspension bridges in Putrajaya remains un employ. In 2007, the population of Putrajaya was estimated to be over 30,000, which comprised mainly government servants. - Putra Square From Wikipedia, the free cyclopaedia (Redirected fromPutrajaya independency Square) This articledoes notciteanyreferences or sources. Please helpimprove this articlebyadding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material whitethorn be challenged andremoved. (December 2009) ThePutra Square(MalayDataran Putra) is acity squarelocated opposite the Prime Ministers office complex,Perdana Putra, inPutrajaya,Malaysia. The square has been used for festivals such as the Malaysian Independence Day par ade. The 300 meter circular Putra Square is bounded by Perdana Putra,Putra Mosque, Putra Bridge and the Promenade Shopping Mall. editDesign knowing as two concentric plazas skirt by Putra Perdana Park, the circular ceremonial occasion area is an open hard landscape en boutd byCharbaghs, which acts as a transition between the parks and the ceremonial area. Inside the Charbagh is an interplay of paths, wet channels, flower beds and trees. The Square is carve up into 11 segments, in the pattern of an 11-pointed star. The outer 11-pointed star represents the 11 states fMalayawhen the country gained independence in August 1957, the inner 13-pointed star represents the 13statesof Malaysia and the 14-pointed star takes the new addition of theFederal Territory. The progressive arrangements of the different pointed stars lastly culminate in a circle at the centre of the Square. The circle symbolises the ultimate goal of unity. - editSee also - Putrajaya Lake From Wikipedia, the free cyclopaedia Putrajaya Lake Location PutrajayaLake type bionic lake Basincountries Malaysia Putrajaya Lakeis located at the centre ofPutrajayacity,Malaysia. This 650ha man-made lake is designed to act as a natural cooling system for the city and also for recreation, fishing, water sports and water merchant vessels. On September 26, 2004 theF1 powerboatChampionship was held on this lake for the first time (third time hosted byMalaysia). In 2005 Putrajaya hosted the AsianCanoeingChampionships. - glamour From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Transportation redirects here.For other uses, seeTransport (disambiguation)andTransportation (disambiguation). People walking in front of thebulk carrierBWFjord FrenchNational Policeuse several modes of broadcast, each with their distinct advantages conk out of a series on Transport Modes * Animal-powered * Aviation * Cable * Human-powered * Pipeline * Rail * Road * Ship * property Topics * History * Timeline * Outline Transport portal * v * t * e Transportortransportationis the movement of people, animals andgoodsfrom one location to another.Modes of transport take onair,rail,road,water,cable,pipeline, andspace. The field can be divided into stem,vehicles, andoperations. Transport is important since it enables trade between peoples, which in turn establishes civilizations. Transport infrastructure consists of the fixed installations necessary for transport, and may beroads, railroad lines,airways,waterways,canalsandpipelines, and terminals such asairports,railway stations,bus stations,warehouses, trucking terminals, refueling depots (including fueling docks andfuel stations), andseaports.Terminals may be used both for interchange of passengers and onus and for maintenance. Vehicles traveling on these networks may includeautomobiles,bicycles,buses,trains,trucks,people,helicopters, andaircraft. Operations deal with the way the vehicles are operated, and the procedures set for this purpose including financing, legaliti es and policies. In the transport industry, operations and ownership of infrastructure can be either open or private, depending on the country and mode.Passenger transport may bepublic, where operators provide scheduled services, orprivate. Freight transport has become focused oncontainerization, althoughbulk transportis used for large volumes of durable items. Transport plays an important part in economic growth and globalization, but most types causeair pollutionanduse large amounts of land. While it is heavily subsidized by governments, good planning of transport is essential to make business flow, and restrainurban sprawl.Malaysians Are Like the RainbowMalaysians Are Like The Rainbow * Social Science Essays(16,747) * Current Issues(676) Twin Towers tallest in the world, an emblem of Malaysian pride andPutrajaya a modern city. All these have proven the competitive spirit of Malaysians Malaysians are like the rainbow. Seven different colours streaking across the sky. Captivatin g and pleasant to the eyes. Reminiscent of the bridge that connects both sides of the world. The rainbow reflects upon our country, Malaysia. By looking at the big picture, it is a nation consisting of colourful people and religion.I believe in the true spirit of Malaysia Boleh and it is not just any MAD hollering in the stadium. It is who we are, Malaysians. Malaysians are undoubtedly capable of achieving their dreams and hopes. Look at what Malaysians have accomplished so far since Merdeka, what we also know as independence or the day this country obtained freedom from foreign powers. For forty five years, Malaysians have recorded many incredible feats along the way. To name a few would be easy, such as the Petronas Twin Towers tallest in the world, an emblem of Malaysian pride and Putrajaya a modern city.All these have proven the competitive spirit of Malaysians. What others are capable of, we can do it too. That is what boleh all about. Moreover, it means that as a Malaysian, yo u have to play your role in bringing this country a head above the rest. In my opinion, that is what being a Malaysian means. The greatest gift which all Malaysians are blessed with which most of us do not realize, is that our country is one of the most peaceful places on earth. I am really thankful that I was born a Malaysian.Not in any other country like Afghanistan or being born an untouchable the lowest caste in India. I am the most privileged person on earth. I am living in a country that is united, advanced and harmonious. Isnt that great? I feel lucky even till today, as I am Putrajayais aplanned city, located 25km south ofKuala Lumpur, that serves as the federal administrative centre ofMalaysia. The seat of government was shifted in 1999 from Kuala Lumpur to Putrajaya, due to the overcrowding and congestion in the Kuala Lumpur areas.Nevertheless,Kuala Lumpurremains Malaysias national capital, being the seat of theKingandParliament, as well as the countrys commercial and fina ncial centre. Putrajaya was the brainchild of former Prime MinisterTun Dr Mahathir Mohammad. In 2001, Putrajaya became Malaysias thirdFederal Territoryafter Kuala Lumpur andLabuan. Named after the firstMalaysian Prime Minister,Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, the city is situated within theMultimedia Super Corridor, beside the also newly developedCyberjaya.InMalay/Sanskrit, the words putra or putera means prince or male child (girl child is called Putri inSanskrit), and jaya means success or victory. The development of Putrajaya started in early 1990s, and today major landmarks are completed and the population is expected to grow bigger. Putrajaya, which was originallyPrang Besar , was opened in 1918 as Air Hitam by the British. Its original land space was 800 acres (3. 2km2), which was later expanded to 8,000 acres (32km2). Prang Besar later expanded and merged with its surrounding estates such as Estet Raja Alang, Estet Galloway and Estet Bukit Prang.The vision to have a new Federal Gov ernment Administrative Centre to replace Kuala Lumpur as the administrative capital emerged in the late 1980s, during the tenure of Malaysias 4th Prime Minister,Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad. The new city was proposed to be located between Kuala Lumpur and the newKL International Airport (KLIA). The Federal government negotiated with the state of Selangor on the prospect of another Federal Territory and in the mid-1990s, the Federal government paid a substantial amount of money to Selangor for approximately 11,320 acres (45. km2) of land in Prang Besar, Selangor. As a result of this land purchase, the state of Selangor now completely surrounds two Federal Territories within its borders, namely Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. Planned as a garden andintelligent city, 38% of the area is reserved for green spaces by emphasising the enhancement of natural landscape. A network of open spaces and wide boulevards were incorporated to the plan. Construction began in August 1995 and it was Malaysias b iggest project and one of Southeast Asias largest with estimated final cost of US$ 8. billion. The entire project was designed and constructed by Malaysian companies with only 10% of the materials imported. TheAsian Financial Crisisof 1997/1998 had somewhat slowed the development of Putrajaya. In 1999, 300 staff members of the Prime Ministers office moved to Putrajaya and the remaining government servants moved in 2005. On 1 February 2001 Tun Dr. Mahathir declared Putrajaya as a Federal Territory with the ceremony of handing over Putrajaya township from the Selangor state authorities.In 2002, ahigh speed raillink calledKLIA Transitwas opened, linking Putrajaya to both Kuala Lumpur and KL International Airport inSepang. However, construction of thePutrajaya Monorailwhich was intended to be the citys metro system, was suspended due to costs. One of the monorail suspension bridges in Putrajaya remains unused. In 2007, the population of Putrajaya was estimated to be over 30,000, which c omprised mainly government servants. - Putra Square From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected fromPutrajaya Independence Square) This articledoes notciteanyreferences or sources. Please helpimprove this articlebyadding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged andremoved. (December 2009) ThePutra Square(MalayDataran Putra) is acity squarelocated opposite the Prime Ministers office complex,Perdana Putra, inPutrajaya,Malaysia. The square has been used for festivals such as the Malaysian Independence Day parade. The 300 meter circular Putra Square is bounded by Perdana Putra,Putra Mosque, Putra Bridge and the Promenade Shopping Mall. editDesign Designed as two concentric plazas surrounded by Putra Perdana Park, the circular ceremonial area is an open hard landscape encircled byCharbaghs, which acts as a transition between the parks and the ceremonial area. Inside the Charbagh is an interplay of paths, water channels, flower beds and trees. The Square is divided into 11 segments, in the pattern of an 11-pointed star. The outer 11-pointed star represents the 11 states fMalayawhen the country gained independence in August 1957, the inner 13-pointed star represents the 13statesof Malaysia and the 14-pointed star includes the new addition of theFederal Territory. The progressive arrangements of the different pointed stars finally culminate in a circle at the centre of the Square. The circle symbolises the ultimate goal of unity. - editSee also - Putrajaya Lake From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Putrajaya Lake Location PutrajayaLake type artificial lake Basincountries Malaysia Putrajaya Lakeis located at the centre ofPutrajayacity,Malaysia. This 650ha man-made lake is designed to act as a natural cooling system for the city and also for recreation, fishing, water sports and watertransport. On September 26, 2004 theF1PowerboatChampionship was held on this lake for the first time (third time hosted byMalaysia). In 2005 Putrajaya h osted the AsianCanoeingChampionships. - Transport From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Transportation redirects here.For other uses, seeTransport (disambiguation)andTransportation (disambiguation). People walking in front of thebulk carrierBWFjord FrenchNational Policeuse several modes of transport, each with their distinct advantages Part of a series on Transport Modes * Animal-powered * Aviation * Cable * Human-powered * Pipeline * Rail * Road * Ship * Space Topics * History * Timeline * Outline Transport portal * v * t * e Transportortransportationis the movement of people, animals andgoodsfrom one location to another.Modes of transportincludeair,rail,road,water,cable,pipeline, andspace. The field can be divided intoinfrastructure,vehicles, andoperations. Transport is important since it enables trade between peoples, which in turn establishes civilizations. Transport infrastructure consists of the fixed installations necessary for transport, and may beroads,railways,airways,wate rways,canalsandpipelines, and terminals such asairports,railway stations,bus stations,warehouses, trucking terminals, refueling depots (including fueling docks andfuel stations), andseaports.Terminals may be used both for interchange of passengers and cargo and for maintenance. Vehicles traveling on these networks may includeautomobiles,bicycles,buses,trains,trucks,people,helicopters, andaircraft. Operations deal with the way the vehicles are operated, and the procedures set for this purpose including financing, legalities and policies. In the transport industry, operations and ownership of infrastructure can be either public or private, depending on the country and mode.Passenger transport may bepublic, where operators provide scheduled services, orprivate. Freight transport has become focused oncontainerization, althoughbulk transportis used for large volumes of durable items. Transport plays an important part in economic growth and globalization, but most types causeair pollution anduse large amounts of land. While it is heavily subsidized by governments, good planning of transport is essential to make traffic flow, and restrainurban sprawl.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
The Union of American Federation of Labor
Early american workers dealt with many problems. These problems ranged from child projection to unemployment. The workers withal tried to set up groups, key outed unions, that they could call their own. The owners of the companies they worked for could not give the workers what they deserved because of their unions. Many unions also boostered shape our modern US history by service the people come to drumher as a whole. One such union was the American Federation of Labor (A. F. of L. ).The unions of the A. F. of L. laced great emphasis on written collective accords, including the closed shop, in which only union members are permitted to work. The A. F. of L. unions also insisted that members pay relatively high dues, and many of them established insurance and seize on benefits. They became known to be job sentience rather than class consciousness. The start of the A. F. of L. started with the beliefs of one man. That man was Samuel Gompers. He believed in organizing skilled wo rkers ofd the same craft, build unions of plumbers, or carpenters, or cigar makers.By establishing these unions, a labour movement started to unfold. He split the American unions from the class struggle, and make it a partner to the US and not an opposite as people thought unions were. Gompers made unions respectable to the people. Child Labor The A. F. of L. was a pioneer in restricting child labor. The A. F. of L. would have a integrity passed by the Congress but the sovereign court would say Congress over stepped its powers. Even though this slowed the work up of child labor laws, it did not hinder Gompers from trying to start the laws.The A. F. of L. held a multitude in 1922 in which any union who wished to see the abolition of child labor was invited. The council worked for the restriction of child labor by writing an amendment that did not get enough votes to pass. It was not until the 1930s that some forms of restriction come about. Unemployment The depression in the 193 0s gave way to considerable unemployment. In 1929, 3. 2% of the workers could not baffle work. In 1933, it rose to over 24. 9% of the workers not being able to find work. The A. F. of L. ecognized the problem of unemployment even ahead it became a problem in the 1930s.The A. F. of L. had a plan for meeting unemployment (1) nerve of a national employment service by Congress (2) census of unemployment to be included in the census to be taken in 1930 and (3) regularization of employment by management to provide stable work. The plan also represent the following program as a means for relieving unemployment (1) shorter work hours to be introduced in industry, with the five days week and vacations with pay (2) stabilization of employment.With the effort of the A. F. of L. , unemployment was greatly reduced, but not completely and jobs for workers became easier to make water and keep. Education The A. F. of L. has always supported the reading of children and the free public school. They liked the idea of enactments that will enforce the education of children. They supported free textbooks to the school children and the establishment of part time classes for the education of minors who were employed.Federal guardianship to the A. F of L. eant four items (1) able to pay the teachers (2) aid to protect the health of the student (3) scholarships to help those in need to further education and (4) support in a school building program. Extra gold would be distributed based on need. In 1920, the Workers Education Bureau was established with the help of the A. F. of L. The bureau was to promote and assist educational work done by the unions.The bureau became an important and very utilitarian part of the A. F. of L. Merger of AFL and CIO The A. F. of L. and the C. I. O (another strong union) saw that unions would be better able to serve their members and the community if a labor unity was reached. Talks in brief started with the help of President Roosevelt but wer e soon halted by both sides in 1939. Talks did not resume until 1942 where an agreement was negotiated. The agreement was signed by threesome members of both unions who were put in charge of the agreement. But the major leaders of both unions accused the other of raiding They said that duologue could not go farther until they agreed that neither side would raid and the war was over.Year after year, very little progress was made, but enough to keep the talks going. Serious negotiations were not made until 1947. Closer cooperation between both groups slowly began with the help of local groups affiliated with the cardinal unions. In 1954, both sides agreed to the no-raiding policy. The cutting A. F. L-C. I. O spent time examining their differences standing in the way of finalizing their unity. In 1955, all differences were sorted out and on February 9, the Merger Agreement was signed. On this day, the American Federation of Labor finished its seventy-five years of existence.The Un ion of American Federation of LaborEarly american workers dealt with many problems. These problems ranged from child labor to unemployment. The workers also tried to set up groups, called unions, that they could call their own. The owners of the companies they worked for could not give the workers what they deserved because of their unions. Many unions also helped shape our modern US history by helping the people come together as a whole. One such union was the American Federation of Labor (A. F. of L. ).The unions of the A. F. of L. laced great emphasis on written collective agreements, including the closed shop, in which only union members are permitted to work. The A. F. of L. unions also insisted that members pay relatively high dues, and many of them established insurance and strike benefits. They became known to be job consciousness rather than class consciousness. The start of the A. F. of L. started with the beliefs of one man. That man was Samuel Gompers. He believed in org anizing skilled workers ofd the same craft, build unions of plumbers, or carpenters, or cigar makers.By establishing these unions, a labor movement started to unfold. He split the American unions from the class struggle, and made it a partner to the US and not an enemy as people thought unions were. Gompers made unions respectable to the people. Child Labor The A. F. of L. was a pioneer in restricting child labor. The A. F. of L. would have a law passed by the Congress but the Supreme court would say Congress over stepped its powers. Even though this slowed the progress of child labor laws, it did not stop Gompers from trying to start the laws.The A. F. of L. held a conference in 1922 in which any union who wished to see the abolition of child labor was invited. The council worked for the restriction of child labor by writing an amendment that did not get enough votes to pass. It was not until the 1930s that some forms of restriction come about. Unemployment The depression in the 19 30s gave way to massive unemployment. In 1929, 3. 2% of the workers could not find work. In 1933, it rose to over 24. 9% of the workers not being able to find work. The A. F. of L. ecognized the problem of unemployment even before it became a problem in the 1930s.The A. F. of L. had a plan for meeting unemployment (1) establishment of a national employment service by Congress (2) census of unemployment to be included in the census to be taken in 1930 and (3) regularization of employment by management to provide stable work. The plan also represented the following program as a means for relieving unemployment (1) shorter work hours to be introduced in industry, with the five days week and vacations with pay (2) stabilization of employment.With the effort of the A. F. of L. , unemployment was greatly reduced, but not completely and jobs for workers became easier to attain and keep. Education The A. F. of L. has always supported the education of children and the free public school. The y liked the idea of enactments that will enforce the education of children. They supported free textbooks to the school children and the establishment of part time classes for the education of minors who were employed.Federal aid to the A. F of L. eant four items (1) able to pay the teachers (2) aid to protect the health of the student (3) scholarships to help those in need to further education and (4) support in a school building program. Extra funds would be distributed based on need. In 1920, the Workers Education Bureau was established with the help of the A. F. of L. The bureau was to promote and assist educational work done by the unions.The bureau became an important and very functional part of the A. F. of L. Merger of AFL and CIO The A. F. of L. and the C. I. O (another strong union) saw that unions would be better able to serve their members and the community if a labor unity was reached. Talks soon started with the help of President Roosevelt but were soon halted by both sides in 1939. Talks did not resume until 1942 where an agreement was negotiated. The agreement was signed by three members of both unions who were put in charge of the agreement. But the major leaders of both unions accused the other of raiding They said that talks could not go farther until they agreed that neither side would raid and the war was over.Year after year, very little progress was made, but enough to keep the talks going. Serious negotiations were not made until 1947. Closer cooperation between both groups slowly began with the help of local groups affiliated with the two unions. In 1954, both sides agreed to the no-raiding policy. The new A. F. L-C. I. O spent time examining their differences standing in the way of finalizing their unity. In 1955, all differences were sorted out and on February 9, the Merger Agreement was signed. On this day, the American Federation of Labor finished its seventy-five years of existence.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Modern Technology and the Use of Electronics Essay
Modern technology and the use of electronics, especially computers have changed drastically over the last century. While many feel that there is a major advantage for the frequent use of computers, especially for the young there are some who oppose the constant use of them and feel as though they send word be a bit of a downfall to the learning process overall. While we may all have our personal opinions on how computers impact the youth on writing and also reading.Clive Thompson and David Gelernter, who are both authors have strong opinions on how computers raise students. While Clive feels as though the use of computers encourage the youth to read and spell more David does not agree with the constant use of technology. Both authors have made very strong and valid points on the topic. Clive Thompson, who is a science and technology writer for the New York Times Magazine feels that since computers, text messaging and different social sites have come available to everyone, it offe rs kids the opportunity to write more.In this generation kids are constantly texting one another and engaging in various social networks, compared to older generations who only wrote when it was required for them to do so. He makes points by explaining that social media and status updates encourages kids to write more to their audience explaining their daily tweets and online blogs. On this topic, Thompson discusses a lot of research by Professor Andrea Lunsford and finds himself agreeing with her studies stating that, I cipher were in midst of a literacy revolution the likes of which we havent seen since Greek civilization, she says.A lot of socializing st finesses online and sometimes involves texting, status updates and blogging. Its well-favoured the young people the ability to express themselves more through their writing, where they effortlessly communicate back and forth with their peers. Clive Thompson makes a great point by explaining how computers effect the young gener ation into writing to their peers and not just their professor for an assignment. In conclusion, he agrees with Lunsford, stating that, Technology isnt illing our ability to write. Its reviving it and pushing our literacy in bold new directions. David Gelernter, who received his undergraduate degree from Yale University in classical Hebrew literature and is a professor of computer science at Yale feels on the dot the opposite. Unlike Thompson, he feels that computers should be in the schools and could help accomplish great things in subjects that he feel are being neglected as art and music.The difference is that Gelernter feels as though, Computers make our worst educational nightmares come true, he says. He makes a point on how the software on computers computes auto-spelling and also arithmetic. He explains that multimedia blinded students from the fundamentals of actually reading a book, and understanding what the author is conveying to the audience. David explains his theory on his conditions on how a computer should be used.First he states that there should be a new software for children that ignites the childs imagination to get them to become more involved. Second, he wants to detain the use of computers for only recess and relaxation periods, for the purpose of kids not becoming dependent on it. Most important, he feels like educators should learn what parents and teachers already love you cannot teach a child anything unless you look him in the face. The computers potential to do good is modestly greater than a books in some areas. Its potential to do harm is vastly greater, across the board. The two authors have stated strong opinions about their beliefs on computers, and how they travel the younger generation. The similarities the share, is that computers do offer different opportunities to help them both academically and socially, but we should not ignore that the basics is what students need to be successful and not a short cut.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Position Paper Essay
I had chosen the topic for the result paper about the choice of Sarah Palin as the running mate for John McCain. In this position paper, I try to develop my position around the same topic and I would develop the paper around the choice and how it is affecting the presidential campaign. I use the response paper for the topic but only to that extent that I use it as a base. My main thrust in this paper would be on putting the nomination of Sarah Palin in perspective. Choice of Sarah Palin There was universal surprise when Sarah Palin was picked as the vice presidential nominee.When everyone was expecting Joe Lieberman or psyche else to be picked as the vice presidential nominee, the McCain camp pulled a rabbit from the hat in the form of Sarah Palin. This left many observers stumped and people were left enquire about the real reasons. There was intense speculation that this was part of a move to counter the Democratic campaign and the accumulation of Hillary Clinton. With Hillary n o longer in the reckoning, the perception was that Sarah Palin could draw away some of Hillarys supporters into the Republican fold. Others saw it as a kind of maverick stunt that could upstage the rock paladin appeal of Barack Obama.What no one could have anticipated is the electrifying effect that Sarah Palin had on the electorate immediately following her nomination. The entire campaign was energized by the Palin Effect and all at once the Republicans were back in the reckoning. Her go-getter image along with her stylish attire has caught the imagination of the public. However, there is a sneaking suspicion that she is all glamour and non substance. She has the charm of a Kennedy, Clinton or a Reagan (Mayer, 2). She also can draw crowds and hold their attention.It was this very ability that made the McCain camp plump for her to get the brilliance appeal to the voters. Media Management Sarah Palin looks good on TV and she is the favorite of the right wing media. Though her app earances in the public rallies have been high illumineed, what is also glaring is the detail that she has not given too many interviews and has not appeargond on the popular talk shows like Larry King Live. And whatever chances she had with other networks, she numeraled in a less than favorable performance. In recent days, much has been made of her $150,000 attire and the way in which she has been made up with lot of effort.However much this has been play up for the benefit of the voters, there are some who see this as mere gloss and unlikely to have an effect on the larger electorate. The Insiders Choice? While there have been several articles in the media about how Sarah Palin has been a wild card, Jane Mayer of The New Yorker thinks otherwise. As I principaled out in my response paper about the article that she had written, where she had laid out the case for Sarah Palin being backed by influential members of the Republican Party, there is no conclusive point about Sarah Palin being an outsider.But there are enough indications to indicate that she has been favored by the Republican insiders who wanted someone to counter the charismatic appeal of Obama. While the point of this position paper is not to contest the claim of Sarah Palin being selected or not by a power group, nonetheless it throws light on the happenings of the Republican Party as they went into election mode. It is indeed a powerful choice as reflected in the approval ratings after her nomination. Her Star provide is sure bound to get the ticket some badly needed swing votes in the upcoming election.As we see in the next section, Sarah Palin has get going what some commentators have been calling the Attack Dog of the Republican camp. Attack Dog In recent weeks, Sarah Palin has taken the attack to the Democratic camp. First, by portraying Obama as someone who is palling around with terrorists an apparent reference to his earlier friendships with Bill Ayers, a sixties left wing radical and then by proclaiming that Obama wants to turn America into a socialist paradise. These have left the Democrats seething with anger and the hard core among the Republican camp egging her on.Of course, this has led to resentment among restrained Republicans and as the title of this article says Palin is diving more than uniting the faithful. Pro-life and family matters Sarah Palins pro-life stance has drawn attention towards her own family and her daughter in particular who is single and pregnant. This has provided ammunition for the Democrats though there was enough damage control exercise done. This raised the question of how much of vetting the McCain camp did before zeroing on her.And this left many wondering whether the McCain camp had done their homework particularly after she was found to have used her position as Governor of Alaska to play some decisions in her familys favor. Economic Policies Even on the subject of the tax breaks or the other proposals to shore up the econo my, Sarah Palin comes across as a shrill voice adding to the clamor on Capitol Hill. There is no fresh approach to the vexed question of how far and how much should the government intervene in bailing out Wall Street.My way politics Most pertinently, Sarah Palin is practicing what can be called the My Way politics. In the words of one critic, Celtic Diva (17), Palin is transforming her base into a lynch mob. What she is effectively saying is that her way is the only way and her supporters are the true supporters and the like. Though this may appeal to the radical right, there are nonetheless large swathes of Republican voters who would not be comfortable with this kind of rhetoric.And it is leaving an overall sense of polarization in the country. This misrepresents for hardly good newsworthiness for a country that is deeply divided in the aftermath of the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. Liability for McCain? While the first sections of this paper examined how Palin became a star in the sign stages of the campaign, it is now apparent that unless she comes up with some new ideas, she would become a liability instead of the trump card that the McCain camp was hoping for.Conclusion As I mentioned in the title of the article, Sarah Palin has increasingly come to divide the electorate rather than unite them. As Basu states, Palin should aim to Unify rather than polarize. Her strident approach towards Obamas proposed policies and the trenchant criticism that she reserves for her opponents are just indications of a personality that thrives on divisive politics.While this would have been tolerable in times deceased by, what this country needs now, with all the economic crises and a war that has no end in sight, is a healing figure that can re-energize the country and make Americans look forward to their place in the world. As we head into the last days of the campaign, we can expect more of the rhetoric from Palin and an increasingly strident stance. It f rame to be seen how the electorate would respond to this ticket as well as the Democratic ticket on Nov 4, 2008.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
The European Energy Market
European Energy Market Q1) 1. Economic benefits would be that the consumers would submit freedom to choose their energy providers and belike could lower the costs. The variety of producers will improve the quality of their service. Energy providers can improve efficiency through competition which will also reduce prices. cosmicr utilities should be another result, which will allow them to compete more effectively. 2.I believe both the consumers and businesses would gain from liberalization Customers should have more choices of energy providers which would increase the likeliness they would have to pay less for their energy and the energy companies could also buy energy from the cheapest source. Q2 Implications Will replace the foodstuffs of its 27 member states with a single market for electricity and gas for the entire continent. It permits the biggest energy groups to commence other smaller energy firms in the continent. Hill 2012) Changes in environment after liberalization on that point are a lot of acquisitions and mergers in the energy markets. Fights between governments protecting their firms and the biggest groups which want to acquire them are a probability. Bigger firms will try to acquire firms in local country. Actions Government would have to impose conditions to stop foreign companies from acquiring local companies, with the local authorities trying to protect the advantages of the local companies. Q3)Why is the de-integration of large energy companies seen as such an important part of any attempt to liberalize the EU energy market? The biggest energy groups are national and they have monopoly. The de-integration of the biggest companies will encourage the smallest companies to be more active and promotes fairness in the market and makes energy firms more equal. It would also permit the introduction of new providers on the energy market. So, competition between them would increase the
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Literature on HSBC Essay
Legacy HSBC Group. HSBC Bank is a key component of the HSBC group which was specifically established for vocation with India and China in the hey days of the British Raj in 1865, after a necessity for the same was felt by Thomas Sutherland who identified that Hong Kong lacked local banking facilities. The bank has been primarily dominant in the Asia peace-loving region and has pioneered modern banking facilities in these beas. It is now seen to take up its earlier mantle and is creating a new wave of modernised banking in the emerging economies of due east and South East Asia.Based in London and with operations around the world, HSBC Holdings plc is reported to be the biggest bank and financial services banking company in the beingness with operations around the World in 9,500 offices and presence in 80 countries across the globe. Its share holders are said to be spread in snow countries. HSBC Personal Banking. HSBC has a number of progressive personal banking schemes as it cal ls itself the Worlds local bank. (Express Banking, 2006). Some of the initiatives it has are schemes such as express banking which is designed to save time.This includes remunerative a bill online, thereby encouraging internet banking, aim of cash machines and mobile peal top ups. (Express Banking, 2006). The bank is also extensively offering gifts for such schemes to include attractive offers as a 42 inch Phillips Plasma television for using its cash machines. (Express Banking, 2006). Its personal damages services are in like manner attempting to induce customers to go online. Thus a 10 percent discount is offered when a person buys on line car insurance.The no claims discount terminus ad quem has also been raised to 70 % and there is a monthly installment survival of the fittest which has also been included. (Car, 2006). It has also services which can be availed by customers by providing prior intimation of their renewal dates to the bank and once again are willd attractiv e prizes for the same. The mortgage services offered by HSBC are also very modern and provide not just for a loan but complete services such as mortgage offers, choices for repayments, varied interest rate option and tailoring these to the prices.(Mortgage, 2006). There are se equatingate services on offer to first time buyers who can also remortgage as well as use the home to borrow more. Similarly the home insurance features also offer very heavy discounts for switching to HSBC Home Insurance, promise to settle claims over the phone without completion of forms and provide for replacements. HSBC Business Banking. HSBC caper banking facilities are also unique. It has 12 months free banking facility extended to a current account holder which provides for adoption at fixed rates large sums up to ?25,000.The service also includes foreign exchange rates for foreign currency payments for HSBC net customers, provides for management of trading in China and a commercial card enables a 56 days interest free credit. Banking for business is carried out through the commercial centres which provide multiple facilities to customers. For business there are other factilities that are being provided such as business internet banking as well as HSBCnet which provides big companies with a complete range of services on the internet including invoice pay.There are a wide range of business insurance packages that open been made available by the bank, to include virtually all the possible contingencies for which insurance is required by business such as small business for turnover less than ? 1 million or less than 10 employees, commercial packaged insurance, customer packaged insurance, business car insurance and keyman insurance for prinicpals. The insurance package also covers share holders and partners, professional indemnity and trade credit.(Insurance, 2006). International Business Banking. The international services provided by the Bank include upshot and export bills clearance, guarantees and documentary credit. The Bank also provides many other forms of assistance to businesses to include opening of a business overseas. (International, 2006). The debit and credit card impact facilities include acceptance of debit and credit card at the place of work, over the internet, by mail order, fax or even on telephone.The finance and loans services being provided to the business by HSBC includes waxy overdraft, cash against invoices, protection against bad debts, small business loans at fixed interest rates upto ? 25000, flexible loans, financing of commercial properties, equipment, mortgages, vehicles and so on. Business managers are also provided with cash flow management services and fixed bond rates on gamy interest Deposit Bonds over ? 5,000. HSBCnet is an advanced service provided for businesses which enable these to carry out futuristic online banking.This is considered ideal for small businesses who do not want to practice in an internal fina ncial management organisation. Thus it provides tools such as cash management, reporting and trading along with analytics and research. (hsbcnet, 2006). The customers are continually provided high whole tone services on HSBCnet such as management of foreign currency transactions as easy as domestic transaction, payments and account transfers at par with operations of a domestic account. The basic advantage provided is that a customer does not have to change his platform to access different types of services.Chapter 4 Findings Findings are derived from qualitative and quantitative analysis. Data analysis is meant to calculate correlations between variables. The intention is to find relations among the variables. Correlation is a measure of the degree of linear kind between two variables. A positive correlation occurs when both variables either increase or decrease. Negative correlation occurs, when one variable increases and the other decreases. The flesh out findings of the prim ary and secondary research carried out based on qualitative and quantitative collation are as per succeeding paragraphs.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Deviant Behaviour Essay
Deviant behaviour is any behaviour that does not conform to generally current social or cultural norms and expectations. Murder is a classic exemplar of extreme deviant behaviour as, according to the cultural norms of our society, killing another merciful being is unacceptable. There are many different theories on what provokes someone to commit a deviant form, including physiologic explanations and psychological explanations. Deviance, in everyday language, is the act of being different from the popular belief, usually in a bad way.That being said, in order to understand and define a persons behaviour we must first study the ultural norms of the society surrounding him. Norms vary across cultures and, in some situations, what is considered as deviant behaviour in a particular society and cadence may be seen as acceptable in another. For example, there was a time when it was a social norm for the ladies of the western sandwich world to wear gloves in public but much(prenominal) an act would nowadays be considered as bizarre, unless the weather was cold. The determination of deviant behaviour depends on the general population or an individual. A common question is what triggers people to perform deviant behaviour.From the perspective of physiology, brain variations lead to expressions of deviance. They claim that genetically transmittable characteristics such as chromosome abnormalities, chemical imbalances, vitamin deficiencies and hormonal differences make certain people naturally more prone to criminality. However, many sociologists tend to respond negatively to such theories. While there is some evidence to suggest that inheritance and the biochemistry of the brain may be factors in abnormal behaviours, biological factors on their own cannot get wind crime. On the other hand, psychologists are interested in the thought rocesses behind deviant behaviour. Some propose that early childhood socialization plays an important office in the personality the child will later develop.Others support Sigmund Freuds (1856 1939) notion that crime can be an outcome of an imbalanced personality, caused by a failure to resolve the Oedipus or Electra complex. Each is resolved by the boy or the girl suppressing their sexual desires for their mother or father respectively. As with physiological theories, many sociologists have the tendency to criticize psychological theories as being unscientific, because he parts of the brain described by Fraud cannot be at a time accessible to the researcher.In conclusion, sociologists have developed different theories as to why certain people develop such behaviours. Some cause this abnormality to genetic reasons and some to mental sickness. While there is little agreement amongst sociologists about what provokes deviant acts, one thing is certain deviance is a relative purpose and depends on the judger. There is no absolute way of defining a deviant act, as deviance is culturally determined and cultures cha nge over time and diversify from society to society.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Disparities Essay
Reducing Disparities Discuss the different ways in which disparities can be cut d fork out got with an emphasis on the following swop and market access Debt Relief Aid Remittances A articulation report by students. This report has been compiled by all 1B Geography students and aims to form a case larn of how the global disparities as highlighted in the Millennium Development Goals are macrocosm reduced. Each student has contributed to their own section of the document and work should be checked by others for accuracy and reliability.It is after all a case study that will be used in the final examinations. What are the global disparities? Disparities exist within development patterns on a global scale. There is an increasing gap between the humankinds richest and poorest countries due to factors such as globalization and increased consumerism. Disparities exist and can be measurable using indices of infant mortality, education, nutrition, income and the Human Development Inde x. Disparities exist within countries resulting from ethnicity, residence, parental education, income, employment and land ownership.These disparities have long been recognized and the world has started to act (some might say too late) to try to reduce them. The biggest evasion to date has been the implementation and global promotion of the Millennium Development Goals. These eight key goals were set in the year 2000 and aim to tackle the main problems associated with poverty, education and health worldwide. These Goals are actively being worked towards with a final deadline of 201 5 for stage one targets.Many millions of people have been made aware of these goals instantaneously and indirectly using campaigns such as Make Poverty History, Live8, The Red Appeal and The Girl military unit to name but a few. This piece of work will discuss the different ways in which these isparities can be reduced and evaluate the strategies that have already been implemented. Mr Podbury. 2013. Ch apter 1 (Students Angus and Kathrin) Introduction to, Trade and Market Access Case Study Fairtrade in Africa. Introduction to Fairtrade -Trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers. Google) What it hopes to achieve -To work with businesses, community groups and individuals to improve the art position of producer organisations in the south to deliver sustainable livelihoods to farmers, workers and their communities. How does it work? -They do this by being a passionate and ambitious development organization committed to tackling poverty and injustice through trade. -Proving an free-living certification of the trade chain
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Is Affirmative Action Effective?
Is Affirmative Action Effective? The settlement of Independence states all men be bring somed personify (Declaration of Independence) and have certain unalienable rights that among these be purport Liberty and the pursuit of delight (Declaration of Independence). Judging Americans by different regulations does non honor this verity. In efforts to im get up the ills of segregation through Affirmative Action, the unintended consequences of this pull through have created another in fittingice. If men are created equal then they should be judged equally.Affirmative put through is outdated and unconstitutional and it is time for a level playing field. bad commonwealth opportunities ground solely on hie without the qualifications to succeed in a competitive milieu is a major problem in todays society. The SAT, the Standard Aptitude Test, merely measures differences in academic preparation The assentient proceeding policies that they seek to remedy are primarily produc ed by keep disparities in pre-collegiate academic executions of blacks and white assimilators.On those measures of merit that selective colleges use to decide who gets in, not all groups behave equally (Dsouza 266). Standardized tests are excellent predictors of academic capability, but, even with comparable test slews, evidence shows there simply whitethorn be natural differences between the hurrys, similar to the assumption that whites naturally are not as athletic as blacks. America cannot deny opportunities to the populate who are the most able and give back them to someone who is comminuted qualified but of the right skin color.This practice diminishes not only the achievement of the individual, but makes this country less productive than it could be. America is slowing down its competitiveness in the universe and dumbing down the country. Dsouza states that admitting Hispanic and African American students with grade point averages of 3. 2 and SAT scores of 1100, while turning away White and Asian American applicants with GPAs of 4. 0 and SAT scores of 1300 (Dsouza 265). In the NBA, much than three fourths of the league is African American. Many believe as stated previously that blacks are more athletic than whites.Demanding that the NBA draft more whites to achieve racial par, even if they are much less athletic, is effectively the same as demanding that businesses hire less qualified charmers based solely on step on it rather than their academic performance. Rewarding people based on race instead of hard work and intelligence encourages an entitlement mentality and creates a false sense of achievement. Granting people opportunities that they may not deserve creates a sense of entitlement and perpetuates stereotypes and the cycle of racism. Equal opportunity is essential to a healthy society.Everyone should be held to the same standard regardless of individual characteristics that have nothing to do with intelligence, hard work, or crea tivity. The person most qualified deserves the opportunity. The original justification for affirmative consummation was to correct historical discrimination against blacks in the south. This justification has been overstated and expanded to apply to many classes of people who were never intended to be included. This wide application of affirmative action creates a form of reverse discrimination.The original purpose was to provide government intervention where blatant racism was present. As presently applied, each class has a different standard and set of remedies based on what ever injustice they believe they suffered. According to a 1991 commentary by Patrick Hall, an African American librarian, the irony in all of this is that affirmative action and equal opportunity originally intended people to be judged on their qualifications as individuals without regard to race, sex, or age ( Hall 311). Affirmative action at one time takes away from the tell apart to success which is mot ivation.Hall suggests that motivation, individual initiative, and perseverance can overcome the most the most repulsive(a) situations (Hall 312). alternatively of creating that motivation, affirmative action has discouraged the majority races that face the same adversity and has caused a tensity between races because people who deserve an opportunity are cosmos overlooked because they are white just to create a sense of diversity. Rather than a targeted corrective strategy, a case can be made that affirmative action has diminished some minorities drive to achieve prosperity in their lives.The key to successful affirmative action is to create individual initiative regardless of their race. Without this motivation, affirmative action is raw and can become as destructive as the evil it was intended to correct. The biggest example of affirmative actions place in the world today is its effect and role in college admissions. These days, the main cogitate of universities and other edu cational institutions is to be or become as racially diverse as possible. However, with that world said dequate racial diversity cant be achieved without rejecting a certain number of more academically qualified white applicants in prefer of preferred minority applicants (Parks 146). In trying to create more equality in opportunity for minorities, the white populations opportunities are then diminished. Instead of race, the privileges or assistance that comes along with affirmative action should be given up to people based on factors that would actually affect their admissions. The policy should almost be used as bonus points for ruly be students whose lower grade point average and SAT scores, correlate to overcoming poverty, a single-parent household, lack of English-language soil, enrollment at an underperforming high school, a physical pop officap or undiagnosed or untreated learning disablement (Parks 149). Growing up in or with a condition that is out of their control, affirmative action should be award to those who have problems that directly affect their education. Within the last century, African Americans have fought harsh battles for their well-behaved rights.Back during Jim Crow law days, segregated schools allowed for differences in educational standards. The few schools that were provided jockstraped some, but for the most part did little for the majority of blacks. This oppression left a large gap in amount of wealth, educational attainment, and tender status (Young 14). The more the gap in attainment increased, the greater the gap in sparing opportunity. whatever African Americans view affirmative action policies as a form of pity. Because of past struggles and their assumed continuance ffirmative action programs give blacks and other disadvantaged groups extra consideration when applying for admissions (Young 14). Whites now feel bad about their past wrongdoings and are trying to make up for it by giving education as a handout . These policies anger many blacks because they want the same opportunity to show how far they have come and prove they are capable of being successful on their own without any special assistance. Even though most educational institutions are trying to increase their racially diverse appeal, most still favor whites over other minority races. With that being said hites, whatever their status, can view themselves as empower to privileges and priorities over blacks (Bell 77). This in turn causes more tension between races because of the factor of competition. If schools based admissions solely on the information they are presented with, race and ethnicity aside, they could fairly base their rejection or acceptance and have it be justified. This would similarly help the competition tension because admissions would be based on their effort and achievements instead of something that is beyond their control. thither are many different standards of education around the world.In holy ord er to make sure every student has the same chance of success, every school aims to if not at the same level, at least offer the same or similar courses. Many recommend that courts should concentrate on enforcing genuine equality in education by requiring schools to conform to uniform standards (Bell 76). This way every student has the access to these resources if need be. So students are judged on what they bring to the table, not on race or unchangeable characteristics. some races are hurt by some of the practices or effects of affirmative action policies.Getting rid of race-based pickings, would help increase educational equality across the board and also increase economic opportunity. Unfair rigour and underestimation is also presented upon Hispanics. The stereotypical view that many Americans have on Hispanics is that their lack of education subject matter that they have no worth to this country and that they should be given a job with just as poor worth as their stereotype gives the individual. The preponderance of recent immigrants in unskilled and low-paying jobs as de facto test copy that Americans refuse to do what is traditionally considered menial labor.As an result, some of the business community, supported by the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, clamouring for a liberal guest-worker program based upon the assumption that without one, America will face a semipermanent labor shortage and economic ruin (Haugen 24). This shows how Americans actually refuse to do these types of jobs because they are viewed as admonitory low-paying jobs. With the assumption that they are jobs well suited for these immigrants who do not have a proper meliorate background, when really, these are some of the most important and beneficial jobs to the country.This menial labor may not be the ideal job, but without these jobs, or the Hispanics that occupy them, America would face a tremendous labor and economic downfall. Americans have not only underestimated the importanc e and power of menial labor, but also of Hispanics. Although these people may be unskilled and uneducated, they have been put in tougher situations where they must work harder than other Americans in order to survive. The severity of discrimination has been taken to a whole different level. The prejudice, intimidation, and hatred of the riots were directed at Hispanics who had through nothing wrong (Haugen 27).Hispanics have taken the role of Americas scapegoats and the reason for their problems when they have through nothing but come into the country looking for a better conduct for themselves. This view that Hispanics are worthless and incapable of succeeding in anything in spite of their race is unfair and insensible. Affirmative action was created to be a positive and beneficial way of improving and enhancing the employment and educational opportunities of members in a minority, but quickly turned into an ongoing controversy filled with detriments from all point of views. This action has gone(a) from helping the minorities, to denying races.There have been cases where students have been denied from colleges merely because of their race. The court has ruled that a system of strict racial quotas, care denying someone because of their race, is unconstitutional, but that schools are allowed to use race as one of several factors when ascertain an applicants acceptance (Expanding Access to College for Disadvantaged Students paragraph 3). Colleges aim for those certain percentages of each race in their school, but that does not mean that they should be able to turn hard working and deserving students away because of the color of their skin.Colleges have lost the true meaning of affirmative action, which is to give a get ahead to the minorities, not push them away. Members of both majorities and minorities see this action as an unfair advantage. Many Whites view affirmative action as giving an unfair advantage to racial minorities (Expanding Access to Colleg e for Disadvantaged Students paragraph 4) and many Blacks view the affirmative boosts as a gesture of pity towards them and take it offensively because they feel like they can pave a way for themselves without Whites doing it for them.On the other hand, many Hispanics see affirmative action as one more racial barrier that puts, yet, another stereotype on them that they are incapable of being a real benefit to a college, or the country in general (Marcovitz 27). Affirmative action needs to make its way back to its original purpose which is to give Hispanics a helping hand because of their lack of a proper education. Over the years, more and more people have witnessed affirmative actions misfortunes and have worked towards a resolution to this controversy.Instead of viewing Hispanic immigrants as a burden to domain welfare, Americans need to desire a growing workforce and welcome them with the belief that America is a beam for all diversities of races (Haugen 21). Many have come to the conclusion that Hispanics are just another group of people who are here to overpopulate and do not bring anything to the table to benefit our country, but the truth is, they benefit this country a great amount.By helping these immigrants have a better and new life in America, they can achieve great things for our country and introduce America into many new cultural aspects which can raise the nation to a whole new level. Throughout the revision process of affirmative action, critics have hypothesized new ways that will make more of a beneficial impact. Critics also set up they doubt that racial or economic diversity will really benefit colleges. Ideological differences are more helpful in achieving that goal than differences in race or income (Critics See Problems paragraph 5).It has been predicted that ideologic differences would be far more helpful in achieving the actions goals rather than segregating by race. Diversity by race in colleges will do nothing but cause more con troversies in this issue, which is already a heated topic. By seeking out the differences of ideology rather than race, it will give colleges a background look at the persons political and economic beliefs and ideas instead of their race. Being able to see these ideological beliefs would be much more beneficial not only for the colleges, but for the country.Affirmative action violates the natural rights that have been given to Americans since the beginning of this great country. Judging students based off skin color takes away from the pursuit of happiness and creates an idea of inequality among races. Instead of just focusing on the persons race, but on the qualities and knowledge a person actually attains, this country will move ahead faster socially, but economically as well. Works Cited Affirmative Action. Issues and Controversies on File n. pag.Issues and Controversies. Facts on File News Services, 1 Sept. 1995. Web. 9 Feb. 2013. Bell, Derrick A. equating in Education is More Important than Integration. Issues on Trial Racial Discrimination. Ed. Mitchell Young. Farmington Hills, MI Thomas Gale, 2007. 77. Print. Dsouza, Dinesh. A World Without Racial Preferences. Taking sides Clashing views on Controversial Issues in Race and Ethnicity. Ed. Raymond Dangelo and Herbert Douglas. Dubuque, Iowa The McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc,2005. 265-270. Print.Hall, Patrick A. Against our Best Interests An Ambivalent View of Affirmative Action. Taking Sides Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Race and Ethnicity. Ed. Raymond Dangelo and Herbert Douglas. Dubuque, Iowa The McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc, 2005. 311-316. Print. Haugen, David. How Does Illegal Immigration Impact America? Illegal Immigration debate Viewpoints. Ed. Davis Haugen and Susan Musser. Farmington Hills, MI Greenhaven Press, 2011. Print. Marcovitz, Hal. Lancing the Boil of Racism. Race Relations Gallup Major Trends and Events The Pulse of Our Nation 1900 to the Present. Broomall, PA Mason teetot um Publishers, 2007. Print. Parks Jr. , A. Lee. Race-Based College Admissions Violate Individual Rights. Issues on Trial Racial Discrimination. Ed. Mitchell Young. Farmington Hills, MI Thomas Gale, 2006. 145-152. Print. 17 USC. Sec. 304. 2000. Print. Young, Mitchell. New Challenges in a Diverse Society. Issues on Trial Racial Discrimination. Ed. Mitchell Young. Farmington Hills, MI Thomas Gale, 2006. 14-15. Print.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
First Five Years/ Descriptive Essay Essay
I was natural on the island of Sao Miguel, Azores which is part of Portugal. Sao Miguel is also known as Green Island due to its lush meadow landscape, rain forests and waterf completelys. I was blessed in being born to Eduardo & Olga Pereira. The story begins with my fetch he entered the military Army as soon as he was of intimately-grounded age. My roll in the hay was a live-in nanny for a wealthy family who lived in a white house on the hillside overlooking the city. She has told me how she loved being a nanny for the little boy who was callight-emitting diode Roberto Reis. She often talks most the family because she has found memories of autoing for the little boy. Also, being of a young age of 15 the family cared for her as angiotensin-converting enzyme of their own children. This was the beginning to how my bring ups met. According to dad he was walking one day down a cobblestone road and spotted my amaze on the grey iron veranda she was wearing a white dress, slim w ith gigantic dark hair and very pretty and holding the little boy. He tried talking to my mom at the age but she said she couldnt be bothered. At least thats how she tells the story.Nonetheless he started walking by all(prenominal) day at amply noon in hopes of talking and courting my mom from the veranda. The family that she worked for had strict family values when it came to respecting someones daughter. The father figure in the housesaid to my dad, Olga lives underneath our roof so Im held responsible for her safety and well-being. She is a part of our family so I expect only honorable intentions. My dad respectfully informed him, his interest were for a long-term commitment. A couple of old age later my father and mother got married and I came along shortly a year later. When I turned 2yrs of age my mother told me the story of how my maternal grandma told her that she would not watch me again because Id given her a heart attack.It seems that I was fond of kittens so I app arently saw one outside and clear-cut to follow it right to a 2ft rock border which I climbed and began crawling towards the orange tree colored kitten. When my grandmother finally noticed me shed just about had a heart attack because behind that wall was 25 foot drop over rocks into grapevines. She slowly and carefully walked slowly calling my name to come to her and form off the wall. As she inched her way close enough she grabbed me and held so tight. She was just so appreciative that nothing happened to me. So as I stated earlier no more quality era at vovos house for me without my mom being present and accounted for.Once I reached 2 years of age is when my parents and I migrated to the United States of America in April 1971. The American Dream is what my parents were in pursuit of which led them to the City of Fall My fathers sister lived here with her husband and children. It was very early on as to the goals my parents had set for themselves. My dad was a carpenter and b uilt sailing yachts, and mom worked in a mill as a sewing machine operator. It was all about working hard and long hours and saving money to buy a car and then a house. Both parents didnt go to college in Portugal but had enough education to reach the goals they set for themselves. I remember we always had everything we needed at least thats what they showed growing up. The culture Roman Catholic was an enormous part of life. difference to church weekly and participation in church functions The Feast of Our Lady of Health were celebrated every August.The church held Saturday night dinner dances the men wore casual bell bottom pants and women wore white gogo was all for raising money for the church often usually once a month as well as the New Year Party which brought the parishioners together to celebrate the new coming year. I was enrolled at SS Peter and Paul School. Learning Religion was very important to my parents. One memory in the 2nd grades I remember was the ann ual Halloween party at school. The PTA would decorate the hall with black and orange streamers and setup a witchs cauldron with smoke coming out of it and we would bob for apples and get tricks or treat bags. It was such fun. I also enjoyed when we did fundraisers at school I liked obstetrical delivery home the huge boxed kits full of items to show and sell on tracking sheet. I would ever take items out and repack them I remember enjoying to the touch, the feel of things and even the smell of these little blue car erasers. I was so proud of selling my items I was known as the little brown haired little girl who was assertive in selling all the different trinkets.I remember long ago how my parents friends would many times say to me How time passes so quickly with respect to growth and time I didnt realizehow many fond memories I had of my early childhood until today. As I finish this essay the sun is shining bright yellow and my background music is calm meditation.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Hitler, the Demise of a Demigod
Hitler, the Demise of a Demigod The will of a single worldly concern was powerful enough to alter the course of the world that Is the story of Doll Hitler. Hitler inspired his muckle to go for for the betterment yet he himself fell into more and more despair the passage of time. As the start-off World War left Ger publicy non only devastated but also humiliated, a failure of a painter who also happened to fight in the front lines, felt infuriated and betrayed by the surrender, took it upon himself to set things right. He proved himself to be quite an artist, may be not so much on the bed sheet as with words.Eloquence being his forte, he climbed up the social ladder rather quickly in the thick of all his struggles. With Doll Hitler becoming more and more synonymous to the Nazi Germany, he led his people to an unprecedented era of prosperity but that came at a price, by straining a true portion of the population, the Jews. In 1938 Hitler annexed Austria into Germany without firi ng a single shot he was the man of the year not for nothing. It Is an Irony how Nazism or National Socialism recognized both capitalism and communism as evil but ended up Itself falling from grace.Along with nationalism and racialism, ideas such as irredentism and expansionism rule the Nazi ideology. Hitler understood the importance of exploitation colonialism. Thus for Germany he wanted Russia to be what colonial India was to the British Empire. His previous victories against the allies intoxicated his mind, dulled his reasoning. He was slowly but surely losing touch with reality. His decisions were tiptop the stakes higher and higher. It is to be noted that he did not just believe in racial superiority, he intended to prove it as he tried to do so In the 1936 summer Olympics. Nan Germanys Justifying of socialDarwinism, survival of the fittest in all life that is struggle made certain factions to go leery of their leader. One thing led to another and there were even attempts of assassination. It was not Just a fight between the allies and the axis it was a war between the Ideology of a single man and rest of the world. Pride Goethe before a fall. But even so 50 million to oer 75 million fatalities has shown us what man is capable of. After all, God did create man In his own Image. Rather than being pessimistic, It shows capability of both great good as well as evil. Humanity can still be saved, all hope Is yet not lost.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
English vs. Spanish Colonization Essay
From 1500 to 1700, the side small town of the Chesapeake region and the Spanish colonisation of the Central/South American region varied greatly in their primary motivations for settlement and the lasting effects imprinted into both societies. The English motives in settling the Chesapeake region were to a greater extent economically-based, seeking greater economic opportunity and employment, while the Spanish effort took on a much religious approach that ended up having long-term effects on the way their culture and indian lodge developed. The effects both colonies matte up differed in many ways, primarily due(p) to the varying motivational influences felt by the English and the Spanish. However, similarities in colonial motivations and cultural impacts were present between both societies. English colonisation of the Chesapeake region revolved around economic gain and opportunity that colonizers believed could be found in the bare-assed World. Overcrowding in Eng husbandry led to a desire for expansion and better employment options for English settlers. Rumors of deluxe discovery in the in the altogether World also spurred an intense frenzy that English colonizers sought to pursue, resulting in the maturation of societies poorly suited for colonial life when gold was never found.On the separate hand, Spanish colonization of Central and South America began with the Spanish conquistadors, who used the saying God, Gold, and Glory to describe their motivations for colonization. The dominant motivational force for the Spanish was the religious aspect, where conquistadors sought to spread Christianity throughout Central and South America. The Glory nominee was heightened by the yearning for Spains dominance over the Western Hemisphere, which was thought to be obtained through unify native peoples through Bailey Kargo IB HOTA 3rd period the Christian religion. Similar to one aspect of English motivations, the Spanish also sought to find gold and riches that they thought the New World had to offer. When Christopher Colombus returned from his expedition to the New World, he reported to the Spanish crown his confidence in the quest for wealth in this unexampled land. He described his encounters with the natives where they traded him gold for various items, and even claimed he saw gold in the rivers. This furnish the Spanish obsession in their ultimate quest for wealth and riches. The effects of settling the Chesapeake region reflected the English economic motivations for colonization there.When the Jamestown Colony was founded in 1607, settlers found themselves ill- alert for establishing a structured colony, especially when they were solely prepared for discovering gold. The Jamestown Colony struggled immensely at first due to lack of supplies and skills mandatory to create the foundations of a colonial society. However, John Rolfes introduction of tobacco to the region completely transformed the delivery and played a key role i n saving the Jamestown colony. Tobacco became a booming industry and plantation owners needed more(prenominal) workers for cheap labor. As a result, African slaves were introduced into the population to meet these needs, stimulating a youthful industry the slave trade. The successful tobacco economy was also capable of financing the importation of oblige servants, which also played a major role in the labor force and became an integral subdivision of the Chesapeakes economy. Wealthy landowners were now able to have more help on their plantations and have rag to more land, while servants now had the ability to own land and create a name for themselves among the colonies. foreign English colonization, Spanish colonization in the Americas completely decimated native populations.The introduction of European diseases, particularly smallpox, along with Bailey Kargo IB HOTA 3rd period updated European weaponry decimated Indian culture and transformed their way of life due to lack of immunity to such diseases and more primitive weapons. Native populations were seen as much weaker compared to the conquistadors and their armies, making them exceedingly easy to conquer. A cultural angle unique to the Spanish settlements was the creation of the Mestizo culture. Unlike the English, the Spanish conquerors and Native Americans intermarried, allowing for a completely new race to develop and contribute to society. Although they were regarded as lesser than other races and looked down upon, the creation of the Mestizo culture proved to become a unique impact of Spanish colonization that later English settlers chose not to conform to. The introduction of the encomienda system was also a prodigious effect that became an integral part of Spanish society.When the Spanish conquered natives, these natives were required to perform work for Spanish landowners. In return, the natives would receive protection from other tribes and the conversion to the Christian faith. This syste m was extremely beneficial to the colonists who received land and gained Christian converts, but many native tribes were reduced to involuntary servitude that further devastated Indian populations in increment to disease and war. The differing motivations behind English colonization of the Chesapeake region and the Spanish of Latin America proved to at one time affect the way each colonies were formed from 1500 to 1700.English colonization revolved around a more economic basis, while the Spanish focused more on religious aspects that managed to integrate their way into its economy as well. Despite these differences, both societies found a common motivation in the search for gold and riches, and both incorporated different forms of slavery, indentured servitude and African slaves in the Chesapeake and the encomienda system in Latin America, into their economies that stimulated Bailey Kargo IB HOTA 3rd period each colonys development. The growth and expansion of both colonization e fforts eventually would fuel the newfound desire of other European nations to join the race to the Americas in an attempt to range their dominance and further diversify societies of the New World.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Between a Rock And a Hard Place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Between a Rock And a Hard Place - Essay typefaceSpillover vice is a problem in the community, with drugs and sex attracting rich white people into the area. The women consider this an aggravate and a hypocrisy, because rich people do not want to live in the area because of the resident physician blacks, although they provide the incentive for the proliferation of vice and crime in the area. Children are in particular danger, and the mothers exert native effort in watching their children and keeping them off the violence in the streets, and from being recruited by whitlow gangs. Some have died protecting their children from armed goons. Maintaining vigilance often meant constantly staying indoors therefore, women who find themselves in this position seldom could go to work, much less pursue a career. Their constant stress and sleeplessness takes it toll on their health and the health of their children. Among those parents who had jobs, one in every four stressed that they did not have sick leaves available in order to take care of their sick children (Heymann, Earle & Egleston, 1996).
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Fish bank reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fish cuss reflection - Essay ExampleAccording to an article by the United Nations, look foring is central to the documentation and food security of 200 million people worldwidewhile one of five individuals enumerate on fish as the primary source of protein (Overfishing A threat). Current trends in the provender now include fish as a healthier option. Thus, an increase in the demand for fish had driven the fishing industry to catch more(prenominal) in order to supply the higher use of fishstarts of overfishing.With the rapid sprouting of commercial fishing vessels, more marine creatures are caught by the solar day however, this in turn produces significant drawbacks. The fishing industry had produced more equipped vessels, ensuring greater catch (Overfishing). As the catches have gradually become smaller, the mesh sized in fishing nets have also decreased, allowing for more smaller fish to be caught (Layton). The smaller fishes are never allowed to grow into full-fledged creat ures. This is an alarming occurrence, for this could chop off the reproduction process of most fish. The fishing trend had robbed the ability of Mother Nature to replenish what had been muzzy at sea.In overfishing, there is over-exploitation and mismanagement, not only by commercial establishments but also on the part of government agencies. Policies on overfishing had been intentionally ignored by most. A report revealed the ongoing embezzled activities on the Indian Ocean coast waters, despite government policiesthis continued to threaten the over scurvy water supplies (IPP Media). Furthermore, it cited that the number of fishing permits did not correspond with the amount of stocks available in the ocean, hence, the depletion. Neglect by the government and continued illegal activities had worsened the already disastrous conditions.All in all, mans activity (overfishing) is the main contributing factor in the rapid depletion of fish stocks in the ocean.
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